我正在从azure容器注册表(azure cli和/或门户)部署到azure容器实例。 Azure blobfuse(在ubuntu 18上)给我以下错误:
I'm deploying to azure container instances from the azure container registry (azure cli and/or portal). Azure blobfuse (on ubuntu 18) is giving me the following error:
解决方案是使用-cap-add = SYS_ADMIN --device / dev / fuse
The solution to this would be to use the --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse
flags when starting the container (docker run):
AzureFiles are too expensive for our scenario.
不幸的是,如何从ACI中的Docker Linux容器中使用blobfuse或Azure Blob存储(近似于nodejs)?似乎不可能将blobfuse或Azure Blob存储安装到Azure容器实例。可以安装到四种类型的卷。您可以看看,它显示了ACI的整个属性。而且您可以看到所有卷对象。
Unfortunately, it seems it's impossible to mount blobfuse or Azure Blob Storage to Azure Container Instance. There are just four types volume that can be mount to. You can take a look at the Azure Template for Azure Container Instance, it shows the whole property of the ACI. And you can see all the volume objects here.
也许将来可以支持我们可以装载到Docker Container的其他卷。希望这会对您有所帮助。
Maybe other volumes which we can mount to Docker Container will be supported in the future. Hope this will help you.