

通过本教程使用Visual Studio使用复制活动创建管道" 并在我点击发布"时收到此错误.

Going through this tutorial "Create a pipeline with Copy Activity using Visual Studio" and recieving this error when i hit publish.

Creating datafactory-Name:VSTutorialFactory,Tags:,Subscription:Pay-As-You-Go,ResourceGroup:MyAppGroup,Location:North Europe,

24/03/2016 11:30:34- Error creating data factory:  
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudException: MissingSubscriptionRegistration:  
The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.DataFactory'.


Error not mentioned anywhere on net and very little help/knowledge on azure generally on web.



In Azure, for each functionality there's a resource provider (Microsoft.DataFactory for example).


By default, your Azure Subscription is not registered with all resource providers and because your Subscription is not registered with Microsoft.DataFactory resource provider, you're getting this error.

您需要做的是向资源提供者手动注册您的订阅.如果使用的是Azure PowerShell,则可以使用Register-AzureRmResourceProvider Cmdlet来实现相同的目的.您将需要使用如下语法:

What you have to do is manually register your subscription with a resource provider. If you're using Azure PowerShell, you can use Register-AzureRmResourceProvider Cmdlet to achieve the same. You would need to use syntax like below:

Register-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.DataFactory


Once your Subscription is registered with this resource provider, this error will go away.


10-23 14:56