

我正在将一个大型项目从VC6升级到VS2010.进行得很好,除了使用预编译头构建发行版时无法解决.如果不使用预编译头,它将花费很多时间,但是可以正确链接.环顾四周 对于可能导致问题的#pragmas,但未找到任何内容. VC2005提到的eafxis.lib不存在.如果我从afx头文件中删除了此调用的使用,它仍然无法获取,因为预构建的库mfcs100.lib引用了它.

I am upgrading from VC6 to VS2010 a large project. It has gone well except this is unresolved when building the Release version with Precompiled Headers. If not using Precompiled Headers it takes forever to build but does link correctly. Have looked around for #pragmas which could be causing the issue but nothing is found. The eafxis.lib mentioned for VC2005 does not exist. If I remove the use of this call from the afx header file it still doesn't get it because the prebuilt library mfcs100.lib references it.


Is there a library which needs to be included to grab the instance of this? Or what else do I need? Trying my own version of this locally doesn't work as well... Have tried all sorts of things here...


1> mfcs100.lib(nolib.obj):错误LNK2001:无法解析的外部符号"int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)"; (?_AfxInitManaged @@ YAHXZ)

1>mfcs100.lib(nolib.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)" (?_AfxInitManaged@@YAHXZ)

1> mfcs100.lib(stdafx.obj):错误LNK2001:无法解析的外部符号"int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)"; (?_AfxInitManaged @@ YAHXZ)

1>mfcs100.lib(stdafx.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)" (?_AfxInitManaged@@YAHXZ)

1> mfcs100.lib(sockexp.obj):错误LNK2001:无法解析的外部符号"int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)"; (?_AfxInitManaged @@ YAHXZ)

1>mfcs100.lib(sockexp.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)" (?_AfxInitManaged@@YAHXZ)

1> mfcs100.lib(appmodul.obj):错误LNK2001:未解析的外部符号"int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)"; (?_AfxInitManaged @@ YAHXZ )

1>mfcs100.lib(appmodul.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl _AfxInitManaged(void)" (?_AfxInitManaged@@YAHXZ)



I was using DumpBin with all the microsoft libraries last night to try and find this usage or entry point - could not do it.

尽管最好的方法是使用最新的工具,即使我从事C ++编程已经很多年了(80年代后期),也正因为这些奇怪的情况,开发人员似乎不得不选择新的更复杂的东西无法控制.... 想要正确使用编译器和链接器,而不是花哨的东西!核心应该工作并且牢固,恕我直言...

Although it would be nice to use the latest tools, even though I've been programming C++ for many years (late 80s) cringe going to the new more complex stuff just because of these weird situations the developer seems to have no control over.... Just want to use the Compiler and Linker correctly, not bells and whistles! The core should work and be solid, IMHO...


Thanks for any hints or directions, I will try lots of stuff if can get some direction of where this could come from.... but it's somewhere in Microsoft land it seems behind the curtain...




10-21 12:48