我在 bazaar(launchpad) 上累了,因为我可以在 Launchpad 上托管我的项目,而 bazaar(我的本地机器)将与 launchpad 紧密集成.我已经在启动板论坛上发布了我的问题,但没有得到任何答案.总之……
I tired my hands on bazaar(launchpad), for the reason that i can host my project at launchpad, and bazaar (my local machine) would be tightly integrated with launchpad. I have posted my question at launchpad forum, and have not got any answer. Anyways...
所以我想把它从那里转移到其他网站.我不知道为什么,但有几个朋友说 sourceforge 没有保持那么好,但我仍然看到太多项目链接到 sourceforge.
So i was thinking about shifting it from there to some other site. I dont know why, but couple of friends said sourceforge has not remain that good, but i still see too many project linking to sourceforge.
PS 推荐.有没有地方可以上传你的个人项目,我认为SVN也是最流行的,但是用git/bazaar,我不知道是炒作还是分布式版本控制真的是要走的路.
PS recommendation. Is there a place where you guys upload your personal projects, and also SVN I think is the most popular, but with git/bazaar, I dont know if it just a hype or distributed version controlling is really the way to go.
我在 Google Code 有很多个人项目.它易于使用,并且可以让其他人找到并使用我的代码.
I have many personal projects at Google Code. It's easy to use, and lets other people find and use my code.
对于小型个人项目(主要是我在网站上展示的项目),我实际上使用 Dropbox.它满足了我自己的需求:
For minor personal projects (mostly projects I show off on my web site), I actually use Dropbox. It's got what I need for my own needs:
- 我可以在多台机器上处理我的代码(它可以跨机器同步文件.)
- 我可以通过网络访问我的文件(它有一个网络界面.)
- 如果我需要返回一个文件的旧版本,或者恢复一个已删除的文件,我可以通过网络界面来完成(每次修改文件时它都会存储一个修订版,很容易看到一个列表版本并下载它们或选择替换当前版本.)
它还支持将部分结构公开,以便其他人可以下载最新版本的代码.您甚至可以共享文件夹,以便使用 Dropbox 的其他人可以修改文件.
It's also got support for making part of the structure public, so that others can download the latest version of the code. You can even share the folder so that others with Dropbox can modify the files.