我在Google Play中有一个应用,并在其上进行了Firebase分析.我正在尝试跟踪广告来源.而且我无法理解正确的下载次数在哪里,导致Google Play控制台显示150次安装,firebase显示3000次"first_open"事件.我很困惑,添加了appflyer分析,而appflyer的显示量是Firebase的两倍.在应用程序Google播放页面上进行了100多个安装.
I have an app in Google Play and firebase analytics on it. Im trying to track ad sources. And i cant understand where is the right count of downloads, cause google play console shows 150 installations, firebase shows 3000 "first_open" events. I was confused and added appflyer analytics, and appflyer shows like two times less than firebase. On app google play page 100+ installations.
2周,因此Google Play控制台中的数据得到了准确的更新
2 weeks have passed since the beginning of tracking, so that the data in the google play console was exactly updated
Is it possible your firebase analytics is tracking your development activity? And every time you manually install from your IDE it counts as a first open. You could check this by looking at your device distribution in firebase. If they are all exactly the same as your development device then that's your answer.