是否可以将Firebase分析连接到远程REST API端点?
Is it possible to have Firebase analytics hook into a remote REST API endpoint?
更具体地说,假设我有一个远程REST API,该端点的端点计算每个用户上载的平均视频数/api/videos/get_average_count
.我可以以某种方式将该统计信息集成到Firebase分析中吗? (我认为Firebase分析中没有报告API吗?)
More concretely, suppose I have a remote REST API, with an endpoint that computes the average number of videos each of my users has uploaded, /api/videos/get_average_count
. Can I somehow integrate that statistic into Firebase analytics? (I don't think there is a reporting API in Firebase analytics?)
Alternatively, is there anyway, I can take the Firebase data from the other analytics (tracked at the frontend) and integrate/embed that data into my own custom admin hosted on my own backend?
没有可用的REST API,您可以在其中上载,下载甚至分析分析数据.您可以与 Firebase支持小组联系,并为此提出功能请求.我相信,在Firebase的Google Analytics(分析)中寻找这种功能的不仅是您自己.
There's no available REST API where you can upload, download or even analyze analytics data. You could reach out to the Firebase Support team and file a feature request for this. I believe that it's not only you who's looking for this kind of functionality in Google Analytics for Firebase.
您可以使用Firebase控制台以CSV格式直接下载事件的分析数据.或者,如果您的计划非常火爆,请将Firebase链接到BigQuery ,并且每天将分析数据导出到相应的数据集.
You could directly download your event's analytics data as CSV using the Firebase console. Or, if you're on a blaze plan, link your Firebase to BigQuery, and the analytics data will be exported to a corresponding data set in a daily basis.
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