

默认情况下,如果用户在X之前登录,Firebase将要求他/她通过 reauthenticateWithCredential 重新进行身份验证,以完成操作.

By default, if the user signed in X time ago, Firebase will require him/her to reauthenticate via reauthenticateWithCredential in order to complete the action.

如果用户在进行下一步操作之前已经具备重新认证的资格,是否可以查询Firebase API?

Is there a way to query the Firebase API if the user already qualifies for reauthentication before proceeding with next action?



For certain sensitive operations the Firebase Authentication API require that the user has recently (re)authenticated with their credentials.


There is currently no way to detect whether a specific call will require such re-authentication, nor documentation on how long the interval is before Firebase requires re-authentication.

实现此目的的正确方法是执行操作并捕获错误.如果 error.code auth/requires-recent-login 要求用户重新进行身份验证,使用新的凭据调用 reauthenticateWithCredential ,然后重试该操作.

The proper way to implement this, is to perform the operation, and catch errors. If the error.code is auth/requires-recent-login ask the user to re-authenticate, call reauthenticateWithCredential with the fresh credentials, and then retry the operation.


05-27 01:26