





因此​​,与我会真的很喜欢它,如果有人可以请走,虽然我如何上传使用猫鼬,防爆preSS和放图像; AngularJS。我实际使用平均fullstack。 (该发电机为precise - https://github.com/DaftMonk/generator-angular-fullstack)


    $ scope.dismiss =功能(){
      $ $范围解雇()。
    };        $ scope.users =用户;
        $ scope.types =类型;    $ scope.project = {
        };        $ scope.save =功能(){
            $ log.info($ scope.project);
            projectsModel.post($ scope.project)。然后(函数(项目){
        $ $范围解雇()。
        }  }]);

我要添加的图片ID参考 project.images.thumbnail 但我想存储使用下面的架构的图像对象内的所有信息:

 使用严格的;    VAR猫鼬=要求('猫鼬'),
        模式= mongoose.Schema;    VAR ImageSchema =新模式({
    });    module.exports = mongoose.model(图像,ImageSchema);



----------------------------------------------- --------------------------- \\



客户端/应用/人/添加/ add.controller.js

    .controller('AddPersonCtrl',['$范围,$ HTTP,$位置,$窗口','$日志,验证,FileUploader','项目','usersModel'功能($范围,$ HTTP,$位置$窗口,$日志,验证,FileUploader,项目,usersModel){
        $ scope.dismiss =功能(){
            $ $范围解雇()。
        };        $ scope.newResource = {};        //上传简介的图片
        $ scope.onUploadSelect =功能($文件){
            $ scope.newResource.newUploadName = $文件[0]。名称;            $ HTTP
                。员额('/ API /上传',{
                    newResource.upload =数据; //稍后保存
        };        $ log.info($ scope.newResource);        //获取项目清单
        $ scope.projects =项目;        //注册新用户
        $ scope.user = {};
        $ scope.errors = {};
        $ scope.register =功能(形式){
            $ scope.submitted = TRUE;            如果(表格$有效){
                    姓:$ scope.user.firstName,
                    名字:$ scope.user.lastName,
                    用户名:$ scope.user.username,
                    profileImage:$ scope.user.profileImage,//我想在这里添加对图像的_id参考我可以用'ImageSchema填充它用猫鼬获得图像细节(名称,网址,文件大小,则contentType,ETC)
                        项目:$ scope.user.assigned.projects
                    电子邮件:$ scope.user.email,
                    密码:$ scope.user.password
                        $ $范围解雇()。
                        ERR = err.data;
                        $ scope.errors = {};                        //匹配猫鼬的错误,表单字段更新有效性
                            形式[现场] $ setValidity('猫鼬',虚假)。
                            $ scope.errors [现场] =返回Error.message;
        };        $ scope.loginOauth =功能(供应商){
            $ window.location.href ='/认证/'+供应商;
        };    }]);

服务器/ API /图像/ image.model.js 我想在这里存储所有的图像信息,并使用它来填充 profileImage 中人们控制器。

 使用严格的;    VAR猫鼬=要求('猫鼬'),
        模式= mongoose.Schema;    VAR ImageSchema =新模式({
    });    module.exports = mongoose.model(图像,ImageSchema);

客户端/应用/人/添加/ add.jade

    形式(ID =添加用户NAME =形式,NG-提交='寄存器(表),NOVALIDATE ='')
        .FORM组(NG-CLASS ='{有不成功:form.firstName $有效和放大器;&安培;提交\\
        有错误:form.firstName $无效和放大器;&安培;提交}')
            p.help块(NG-秀='$ form.firstName&error.required放大器;&安培;提交)
                |第一名称是必需的        .FORM组(NG-CLASS ='{有不成功:form.lastName $有效和放大器;&安培;提交\\
        有错误:form.lastName $无效和放大器;&安培;提交}')
            p.help块(NG-秀='$ form.lastName&error.required放大器;&安培;提交)
                |姓氏是必需的        .FORM组(NG-CLASS ='{有不成功:form.username $有效和放大器;&安培;提交\\
        有错误:form.username $无效和放大器;&安培;提交}')
            p.help块(NG-秀='$ form.username&error.required放大器;&安培;提交)
                |姓氏是必需的        //上传头像这里
            输入(类型=文件NG-文件选择=onUploadSelect($文件)NG模型=newResource.newUpload)        .FORM组(NG-CLASS ='{有不成功:form.email $有效和放大器;&安培;提交\\
        有错误:form.email $无效和放大器;&安培;提交}')
            p.help块(NG-秀='$ form.email&error.email放大器;&安培;提交)
            p.help块(NG-秀='$ form.email&error.required放大器;&安培;提交)
            p.help块(NG-秀='form.email。$ error.mongoose')
                | {{errors.email}}        .FORM组(NG-CLASS ='{有不成功:form.password $有效和放大器;&安培;提交\\
        有错误:form.password $无效和放大器;&安培;提交}')
            input.form控制(类型='密码',名字='密码',NG-模式='user.password的',NG-= MINLENGTH'3',需要='',猫鼬错误='')
            p.help块(纳克秀='(form.password $ error.minlength || form.password error.required $)及。&放大器;提交')
            p.help块(NG-秀='form.password。$ error.mongoose')
                | {{errors.password}}        .FORM组
        button.btn.btn小学(NG-提交='寄存器(表))保存    pre(NG-绑定=用户| JSON)

服务器/ API /上传/ index.js

 使用严格的;VAR前preSS =要求('前preSS');
VAR控制器=要求('./ upload.controller');VAR路由器=前press.Router();//router.get('/',controller.index);
//router.delete('/:id',controller.destroy);module.exports =路由器;

服务器/ API /上传/ upload.controller.js

 使用严格的;VAR _ =要求('lodash');
// VAR上传=要求('./ upload.model');
VAR randomString =要求('../../组件/ randomString');//创建一个数据库中的新的上传。
exports.create =功能(REQ,RES){
    VAR S3 =新aws.S3();
    变种夹= randomString.generate(20); //我想我这样做是因为当用户下载文件时,将有原来的文件名。
    VAR匹配= req.body.upload.match(/数据:([A-ZA-Z - + \\ /] +);的base64,(+)/);    如果(匹配===空|| matches.length!== 3){
    }    变种uploadBody =新缓冲液(比赛[2],'的base64');    VAR PARAMS = {
        关键字:文件夹+'/'+ req.body.uploadName,
        ACL:公共 - 读
    };    s3.putObject(参数,可以函数(ERR,数据){
            的console.log(成功上传数据到我的上载/+文件夹+/+ req.body.uploadName);

服务器/配置/环境/ development.js





 &LT; D​​IV CLASS =表单组&GT;
  &LT;标签&gt;文件上传&LT; /标签&gt;
&LT; / DIV&GT;

使用模块 angularFileUpload 然后我有我的控制器:

  $ scope.onUploadSelect =功能($文件){
  $ scope.newResource.newUploadName = $文件[0]。名称;



  $ HTTP
  。员额('/ API /上传',{
    newResource.upload =数据; //稍后保存


 使用严格的;VAR _ =要求('lodash');
VAR randomString =要求('../../组件/ randomString');//创建一个数据库中的新的上传。
exports.create =功能(REQ,RES){
  VAR S3 =新aws.S3();
  变种夹= randomString.generate(20); //我想我这样做是因为当用户下载文件时,将有原来的文件名。
  VAR匹配= req.body.upload.match(/数据:([A-ZA-Z - + \\ /] +);的base64,(+)/);  如果(匹配===空|| matches.length!== 3){
  }  变种uploadBody =新缓冲液(比赛[2],'的base64');  VAR PARAMS = {
    关键字:文件夹+'/'+ req.body.uploadName,
    ACL:公共 - 读
  };  s3.putObject(参数,可以函数(ERR,数据){
      的console.log(成功上传数据csk3的上载/+文件夹+/+ req.body.uploadName);

服务器/组件/ randomString / index.js

 使用严格的;module.exports.generate =功能(正文长度){
  正文长度= ||正文长度10;
  VAR可能='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';  对于(VAR I = 0; I&LT;正文长度;我++){
    文字+ = possible.charAt(Math.floor(的Math.random()* possible.length));
  }  返回文本;

服务器/配置/环境/ development.js

服务器/ API /上传/ upload.controller.js

I know this has been asked many times before, and I have read almost all I could find about the subject, namely:


Uploading images using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose

Those are the best I have found so far. My problem is tho that they still aren't very clear, there is very little documentation online at all about this and the discussion seems aimed at people who are much more advanced than I am.

So with that I would really love it if someone could please walk me though how to upload images using Mongoose, Express & AngularJS. I am actually using the MEAN fullstack. (this generator to be precise – https://github.com/DaftMonk/generator-angular-fullstack)


'use strict';

  .controller('ProjectAddCtrl', ['$scope', '$location', '$log', 'projectsModel', 'users', 'types', function ($scope, $location, $log, projectsModel, users, types) {
    $scope.dismiss = function () {

        $scope.users = users;
        $scope.types = types;

    $scope.project = {
            name: null,
            type: null,
            images: {
                thumbnail: null // I want to add the uploaded images _id here to reference with mongoose populate.
            users: null

        $scope.save = function () {
            projectsModel.post($scope.project).then(function (project) {


I want to add the Images ID reference to project.images.thumbnail but I want to store all the information inside an Image Object using the following Schema:

'use strict';

    var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
        Schema = mongoose.Schema;

    var ImageSchema = new Schema({
      fileName: String,
      url: String,
      contentType: String,
      size: String,
      dimensions: String

    module.exports = mongoose.model('Image', ImageSchema);

I have also added the following https://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload to my bower packages.

As I say I just can't figure out how to tie it all together. And I'm not even sure if what I am trying to do is the correct way either.



Here is what I now have, I have added some comments detailing how I would like it to work, unfortunately I still haven't managed to get this working, I can't even get the image to start uploading, never mind uploading to S3. Sorry to be a pain but I am just finding this particularly confusing, which surprises me.


'use strict';

    .controller('AddPersonCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$location', '$window', '$log', 'Auth', 'FileUploader', 'projects', 'usersModel', function ($scope, $http, $location, $window, $log, Auth, FileUploader, projects, usersModel) {
        $scope.dismiss = function () {

        $scope.newResource = {};

        // Upload Profile Image
        $scope.onUploadSelect = function($files) {
            $scope.newResource.newUploadName = $files[0].name;

                .post('/api/uploads', {
                    uploadName: newResource.newUploadName,
                    upload: newResource.newUpload
                .success(function(data) {
                    newResource.upload = data; // To be saved later


        //Get Projects List
        $scope.projects = projects;

        //Register New User
        $scope.user = {};
        $scope.errors = {};

        $scope.register = function(form) {
            $scope.submitted = true;

            if(form.$valid) {
                    firstName: $scope.user.firstName,
                    lastName: $scope.user.lastName,
                    username: $scope.user.username,
                    profileImage: $scope.user.profileImage, // I want to add the _id reference for the image here to I can populate it with 'ImageSchema' using mongoose to get the image details(Name, URL, FileSize, ContentType, ETC)
                    assigned: {
                        teams: null,
                        projects: $scope.user.assigned.projects
                    email: $scope.user.email,
                    password: $scope.user.password
                    .then( function() {
                        // Account created, redirect to home
                    .catch( function(err) {
                        err = err.data;
                        $scope.errors = {};

                        // Update validity of form fields that match the mongoose errors
                        angular.forEach(err.errors, function(error, field) {
                            form[field].$setValidity('mongoose', false);
                            $scope.errors[field] = error.message;

        $scope.loginOauth = function(provider) {
            $window.location.href = '/auth/' + provider;


server/api/image/image.model.js I would like to store all image information here and use this to populate profileImage in people controller.

'use strict';

    var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
        Schema = mongoose.Schema;

    var ImageSchema = new Schema({
      fileName: String,
      url: String, // Should store the URL of image on S3.
      contentType: String,
      size: String,
      dimensions: String

    module.exports = mongoose.model('Image', ImageSchema);


    h3.modal-title Add {{ title }}
    form(id="add-user" name='form', ng-submit='register(form)', novalidate='')
        .form-group(ng-class='{ "has-success": form.firstName.$valid && submitted,\
        "has-error": form.firstName.$invalid && submitted }')
            label First Name
            input.form-control(type='text', name='firstName', ng-model='user.firstName', required='')
            p.help-block(ng-show='form.firstName.$error.required && submitted')
                | First name is required

        .form-group(ng-class='{ "has-success": form.lastName.$valid && submitted,\
        "has-error": form.lastName.$invalid && submitted }')
            label Last Name
            input.form-control(type='text', name='lastName', ng-model='user.lastName', required='')
            p.help-block(ng-show='form.lastName.$error.required && submitted')
                | Last name is required

        .form-group(ng-class='{ "has-success": form.username.$valid && submitted,\
        "has-error": form.username.$invalid && submitted }')
            label Username
            input.form-control(type='text', name='username', ng-model='user.username', required='')
            p.help-block(ng-show='form.username.$error.required && submitted')
                | Last name is required

        // Upload Profile Picture Here
            label Profile Image
            input(type="file" ng-file-select="onUploadSelect($files)" ng-model="newResource.newUpload")

        .form-group(ng-class='{ "has-success": form.email.$valid && submitted,\
        "has-error": form.email.$invalid && submitted }')
            label Email
            input.form-control(type='email', name='email', ng-model='user.email', required='', mongoose-error='')
            p.help-block(ng-show='form.email.$error.email && submitted')
                | Doesn't look like a valid email.
            p.help-block(ng-show='form.email.$error.required && submitted')
                | What's your email address?
                | {{ errors.email }}

        .form-group(ng-class='{ "has-success": form.password.$valid && submitted,\
        "has-error": form.password.$invalid && submitted }')
            label Password
            input.form-control(type='password', name='password', ng-model='user.password', ng-minlength='3', required='', mongoose-error='')
            p.help-block(ng-show='(form.password.$error.minlength || form.password.$error.required) && submitted')
                | Password must be at least 3 characters.
                | {{ errors.password }}

            label Assign Project(s)
            select(multiple ng-options="project._id as project.name for project in projects" ng-model="user.assigned.projects")
        button.btn.btn-primary(ng-submit='register(form)') Save

    pre(ng-bind="user | json")
    button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit" form="add-user") Save
    button.btn.btn-warning(ng-click='dismiss()') Cancel


'use strict';

var express = require('express');
var controller = require('./upload.controller');

var router = express.Router();

//router.get('/', controller.index);
//router.get('/:id', controller.show);
router.post('/', controller.create);
//router.put('/:id', controller.update);
//router.patch('/:id', controller.update);
//router.delete('/:id', controller.destroy);

module.exports = router;


'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash');
//var Upload = require('./upload.model');
var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var config = require('../../config/environment');
var randomString = require('../../components/randomString');

// Creates a new upload in the DB.
exports.create = function(req, res) {
    var s3 = new aws.S3();
    var folder = randomString.generate(20); // I guess I do this because when the user downloads the file it will have the original file name.
    var matches = req.body.upload.match(/data:([A-Za-z-+\/].+);base64,(.+)/);

    if (matches === null || matches.length !== 3) {
        return handleError(res, 'Invalid input string');

    var uploadBody = new Buffer(matches[2], 'base64');

    var params = {
        Bucket: config.aws.bucketName,
        Key: folder + '/' + req.body.uploadName,
        Body: uploadBody,

    s3.putObject(params, function(err, data) {
        if (err)
        else {
            console.log("Successfully uploaded data to my-uploads/" + folder + '/' + req.body.uploadName);
            return res.json({
                name: req.body.uploadName,
                bucket: config.aws.bucketName,
                key: folder

function handleError(res, err) {
    return res.send(500, err);


aws: {
        key: 'XXXXXXXXXXXX',
        region: 'sydney',
        bucketName: 'my-uploads'

All of this code is straight out of a project that depends heavily on this for large file uploads and images. Definitely checkout https://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload

In my view somewhere:

<div class="form-group">
  <label>File Upload</label>
  <input type="file" ng-file-select="onUploadSelect($files)" ng-model="newResource.newUpload">

Using the module angularFileUpload I then have in my controller:

$scope.onUploadSelect = function($files) {
  $scope.newResource.newUploadName = $files[0].name;


When the user clicks upload this gets executed where I send the file to be uploaded:

  .post('/api/uploads', {
    uploadName: newResource.newUploadName,
    upload: newResource.newUpload
  .success(function(data) {
    newResource.upload = data; // To be saved later

This request is sent to a controller that looks something like this:

'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash');
var aws = require('aws-sdk');
var config = require('../../config/environment');
var randomString = require('../../components/randomString');

// Creates a new upload in the DB.
exports.create = function(req, res) {
  var s3 = new aws.S3();
  var folder = randomString.generate(20); // I guess I do this because when the user downloads the file it will have the original file name.
  var matches = req.body.upload.match(/data:([A-Za-z-+\/].+);base64,(.+)/);

  if (matches === null || matches.length !== 3) {
    return handleError(res, 'Invalid input string');

  var uploadBody = new Buffer(matches[2], 'base64');

  var params = {
    Bucket: config.aws.bucketName,
    Key: folder + '/' + req.body.uploadName,
    Body: uploadBody,

  s3.putObject(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err)
    else {
      console.log("Successfully uploaded data to csk3-uploads/" + folder + '/' + req.body.uploadName);
      return res.json({
        name: req.body.uploadName,
        bucket: config.aws.bucketName,
        key: folder

function handleError(res, err) {
  return res.send(500, err);


'use strict';

module.exports.generate = function(textLength) {
  textLength = textLength || 10;
  var text = '';
  var possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';

  for(var i = 0; i < textLength; i++) {
    text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));

  return text;




10-23 19:31