Netflix使用功能区(Ribbon),Ribbon在其术语中是客户端负载平衡器".与传统的负载均衡器相比,客户端负载均衡器的用例和优势是什么? Ribbon和其他Netflix OSS服务是特定于AWS的,还是可以在其他上下文中使用?
Netflix makes use of Ribbon, which is in their terms a "client-side load-balancer". What are the use-cases and advantages of a client-side load-balancer compared to a traditional load-balancer? Is Ribbon, and other Netflix OSS services AWS -specific or can they be used in other contexts?
As already mentioned by using Ribbon you don't need an additional load balancer. You can also configure the balancing algorithm for each client differently, if you need to. At first I was a bit surprised also, but it does make a lot of sense.
当前,大部分使用Netflix OSS的Spring Cloud独立于AWS.
Currently Spring Cloud, which uses Netflix OSS for most part, is independent of AWS.
I have made a small POC that you can check out here if want.