Spring Boot 1.3引入了spring-boot-devtools,以提供与Spring Reloaded类似的功能,以重新加载已修改的类并更新Thymeleaf模板,而无需重新运行您的应用程序.
Spring Boot 1.3 introduced spring-boot-devtools to provide similar functionality as Spring Reloaded to reload modified classes and to update Thymeleaf templates without having to re-run your application.
以前我一直在使用Spring Boot 1.2.7(重新加载Spring),并且能够在不重新启动Spring Boot应用程序的情况下即时修改模板.
I have been using Spring Boot 1.2.7 (with Spring Reloaded) before and I was able to modify my templates on the fly without having to restart my Spring Boot application.
Same application is now neither reloading the Thymeleaf templates nor reloading/restarting the application when I modify and save Java code / Thymeleaf templates.
我正在使用Netbeans IDE中嵌入的Netbeans 8.0.2和Maven(版本3.0.5).该应用程序打包为JAR.
I am using Netbeans 8.0.2 and Maven (version 3.0.5) found embedded in the Netbeans IDE. The application is packaged as JAR.
In Netbeans, under the project Properties -> Build -> Compile is a checkbox "Compile On Save" which is ticked.I verified that this actually works by modifying .java file and checking the timestamps in the /target/classes.
I have the following depedencies in my pom.xml (including others, excluded for not being relevant):
有了这个,我应该被设置为Spring Boot博客提到以下内容:
With this, I should be set to go, asSpring Boot Blog mentions the following:
和类似的评论在 Spring中进行了说明引导官方文档.
I tried to use spring-boot-maven-plugin with version tag 1.2.7.RELEASE and suddently changes to my Thymeleaf templates are visible in browser when the template is saved. It seems that at least the problem with Thymeleaf templates is not because of spring-boot-devtools, but rather because of the spring-bot-maven-plugin.
1) Thymeleaf templates which won't reload for some reason if newer version of spring-boot-maven-plugin is used (1.3.0.RELEASE)2) Application reload/restart trigger won't happen, even though .class files in /target/classes get updated when the respective .java files are modified and saved.
Update: Verified that devtools aren't loaded (Main thread name isn't restartedMain).Solved 2) by changing Execute goals in Run project Action in Netbeans project properties to the following:
process-classes org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
旧执行目标为package spring-boot:run
Old Execute goals was package spring-boot:run
. Googling a bit revealed others having problem with spring-boot-devtools when the project is run with spring-boot:run.
Now the only problem is that the Thymeleaf templates don't get updated live when saved.
Change Execute goals in Run project Action in Netbeans project properties to the following:
process-classes org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
代替package spring-boot:run
启用Spring Boot Devtools并按预期方式重新启动.
process-classes org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
instead of package spring-boot:run
enables Spring Boot Devtools and restart works as expected.
Thymeleaf模板的问题归因于以下事实:在Spring Boot 1.3中,Spring Boot Maven插件不再将src/main/resources直接添加到类路径中. 有关详细信息,请参见发行说明
Problem with Thymeleaf templates was attributed to the fact that in Spring Boot 1.3, The Spring Boot Maven plugin no longer adds src/main/resources directly to the classpath. See release notes for details.
Configuring explicit resource directory location (in my case src/main/resources) to pom.xml resolves the problem with Thymeleaf templates not reloading:
<directory> src/main/resources </directory>
这篇关于使用Spring Boot 1.3,当在Netbeans中进行更改时,spring-boot-devtools和Thymeleaf模板将不会实时重新加载的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!