

我有一个现有的spring 3.1.4应用程序,可以很好地运行,并且可以自行启动.我目前在自己的主类中手动启动spring上下文.这不是spring-mvc应用程序,它不包含任何servlet,web.xml或生成WAR.它只是为集成后端生成一个JAR.

I have an existing spring 3.1.4 application that works fine and boots up ok on its own. I currently start the spring context manually in a main class of my own. This is NOT a spring-mvc app, it does not contain any servlets, web.xml nor does it generate a WAR. It just produces a JAR for an integration backend.


I would like "wrap" this legacy application and launch it with spring-boot. However I am having trouble figuring out how to do this as all the examples seem to assume creating a "new" application.

1)我有我现有的applicationContext.xml文件,其中有我现有的spring app bean声明

1) I have my existing applicationContext.xml file with my existing spring app bean declarations in it

2)为了启动带有tomcat的spring-boot并将我所有的现有bean加载到spring-boot中,我需要添加到现有Spring applicationContext.xml文件中的新bean配置的最小集合是什么?包装的上下文?

2) What is the minimum set of new bean configs that I need to add to my existing Spring applicationContext.xml file in order to have spring-boot w/ tomcat launched and load all of my existing beans into the spring-boot wrapped context?


Can anyone point me in the right direction please?



基本上,您需要添加Spring Boot依赖项,然后实现这样的主入口点:

Basically you need to add the Spring Boot dependencies and then implement the main entry point like this:

public class MySpringBootApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(MySpringBootApplication.class, args);

但是,这也将基于(除其他事项外)可用的类和已配置的bean触发Spring Boot的自动配置.您可能要禁用某些自动配置.要排除DataSource和Hibernate JPA自动配置,请使用:

However, this will also trigger Spring Boot's auto-configuration based upon (among other things) available classes and configured beans. You might want to disable certain auto-configurations. To exclude DataSource and Hibernate JPA auto-configuration, use:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = { DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class })


05-26 19:01