我正在尝试编写一个rails应用程序,它可以让你转到某个页面,比如/ person /:id。在此页面上显示一组可用资源。我希望每个资源都有一个按钮旁边的按钮,它为该人员预留资源(通过创建一个Allocation模型的新实例)。作为扩展,我希望每个资源都有几个按钮,取消预订并执行其他事情。我还想在一些按钮旁边输入数据,例如来分配资源的一部分。
另外,如果您有两种形式在页面上,如何设置它,以便在单击任何提交按钮时保存两个表单上的更改? 解决方案
< script type =text / javascript>
$ b $('#bulk_print')。click(function(){
var target ='<%= bulk_print_prepaid_vouchers_path (:format => pdf)%>';
$('#prepaidvoucher_bulk_print')。submit() ;
var target ='<%= bulk_destroy_prepaid_vouchers_path%>';
< / script>
< button class =buttontype =submitid =bulk_print>
< / button>
< button class =buttontype =submitid =bulk_destroy>
< / button>
I am trying to write a rails application which lets you go to a certain page, say /person/:id. On this page it shows a set of available resources. I want each resource to have a button next to it, which reserves that resource to that person (by creating a new instance of an Allocation model.) As an extension, I'd like several buttons by each resource, that cancel reservations and do other things. I'd also like to input data alongside some of the buttons, e.g. to allocate some % of a resource.
My problem is I can't work out how to sensibly do this without repeating myself, or having a very hacky controller. How can I do this without matching on the value part of the submit buttons (the text on the buttons), or using any javascript?
Additionally, if you have two forms on a page, how do you set it up so changes on both forms are saved when any submit button is clicked?
im using jQuery, and this is what i did :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var target = '<%= bulk_print_prepaid_vouchers_path(:format => :pdf) %>';
$('#prepaidvoucher_bulk_print').attr('action', target);
var target = '<%= bulk_destroy_prepaid_vouchers_path %>';
$('#prepaidvoucher_bulk_print').attr('action', target);
<% form_tag '#', :method => :post, :id => 'prepaidvoucher_bulk_print' do %>
your form details
<button class="button" type="submit" id="bulk_print">
<%= image_tag("web-app-theme/printer.png", :alt => "Print Selected Vouchers") %> Print Selected Vouchers
<button class="button" type="submit" id="bulk_destroy">
<%= image_tag("web-app-theme/cross.png", :alt => "Delete Selected Vouchers") %> Delete Selected Vouchers
<% end %>
The idea is to change the form action on the fly, based on which button is clicked