我正在查看使用 Spring Boot 和 React 的以下教程.https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/react-and-spring-data-rest/
I was looking over the following tutorial using Spring Boot and React.https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/react-and-spring-data-rest/
React 是否会在服务器端渲染,因为它被渲染到 Thymeleaf 模板中?对于上下文,我已经放置了下面教程中的 Thymeleaf 模板和 React 文件代码.
Would the React be server-side rendered here, since it is being rendered into the Thymeleaf template? For context I have placed the Thymeleaf template and React file code from the tutorial below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<title>ReactJS + Spring Data REST</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/main.css" />
<div id="react"></div>
<script src="built/bundle.js"></script>
src/main/js/app.js - 渲染代码
src/main/js/app.js - rendering code
<App />,
在给定的示例中,React 没有在服务器端呈现.Thymeleaf HTML 按原样输出.如教程所示,通过调用 Spring Boot 后端中的服务设置在客户端获取数据.
In the given example React is not rendered server-side. The Thymeleaf HTML is outputted as is. Data is fetched client-side by calling services setup in the Spring Boot backend as shown in the tutorial.
这篇关于使用 Spring Boot 的服务器端渲染 React的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!