


I want use a service in a angular.module.

我有一个 record.js RecordCtrl ,我想用 requestCurrentUser 中存在的 sessionService.js 。我使用会话控制器和服务之间传递数据。我送从记录,JS requestCurrentUser 功能的请求象下面这样:

I have a record.js for RecordCtrl and I want use requestCurrentUser fnction that exist in sessionService.js. I use Session for pass data between controller and service. I send a request from record,js by requestCurrentUser function like below:

'use strict';
var app = angular.module('app');
app.controller('RecordCtrl',['$scope','Session','Records',function($scope, Session, Records){
    $scope.user = Session.requestCurrentUser();

和我收到这在 sessionService.js 象下面这样:

and I recieve this in sessionService.js like below:

  'use strict';
   angular.module('sessionService', [])
    .factory('Session', function($location, $http, $q) {
        var service = {

            requestCurrentUser: function() {
                    return $http.get('/api/users').then(function(response) {
                        service.currentUser = response.data.user;
                        return service.currentUser;
            currentUser: null,
        return service;

我可以在 requestCurrentUser 正确地获取数据,但我不能接受她在 record.js 此数据。当我回响在 sessionService.js 的数据,我可以看到下面的数据:

I can get data correctly in requestCurrentUser, but I cannot recieve this data in record.js. When I echo data in sessionService.js, I can see below data:

Object {id: 2, email: "mgh@mgh.com", created_at: "2014-08-11T08:37:59.981Z", updated_at: "2014-08-26T08:03:27.702Z"}

但我不能接受她在 record.js 这个数据,我得到一个空的对象,象下面这样:

But I cannot recieve this data in record.js and I get an empty object like below:

[object Object]

我觉得code的问题是关于会话我在2 JS 文件(使用 record.js sessionService.js )。对于添加的依赖,我有一个 app.js 包含在这个依赖。

I think the problem of code is about Session that I use in 2 js file(record.js and sessionService.js). For add dependency, I have a app.js that include dependencies on this.


'use strict';
angular.module('app',['ngRoute', 'ngResource', 'sessionService', 'recordService'])

我找不到这个问题,我想补充 sessionService.js record.js 按低于code



But the problem isn't fix. I don't know how can I resolve this problem? Any one have idea for fix this problem?



'use strict';
var app = angular.module('app');
app.controller('RecordCtrl',['$scope','Session','Records',function($scope, Session, Records){
    Session.requestCurrentUser().then(function(data) {
        $scope.user = data;



07-16 04:04