本文介绍了Backbone 和 Require 如何添加 Qunit的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Backbone 和 Require.js.一切都很好,但是,我想向我的应用程序添加一些单元测试.我决定使用 Qunit.js.

I'm using Backbone and Require.js. Everything works great but, I would like to add some unit tests to my application. I decided use Qunit.js.

在我的 ma​​in.js 文件中,我创建了新对象 EventsView:

In my main.js file I create new object EventsView:

  paths: {
    jquery:                 'libs/jquery',
    underscore:             'libs/underscore',
    backbone:               'libs/backbone',
    qunit:                  'test/libs/qunit-1.10.0
          'test/eventView_test' ], function(EventsView){
           var events = new EventsView; //here I create first object my View

eventsView.js initialize 我渲染主视图

In eventsView.js initialize I render the main view

          'view/eventView'], function($, Backbone,_,EventC,EventM, EventView,){

 var EventsView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: $(".contener"),
    initialize: function(){
     ....//other functions
     return EventsView;

所以现在我需要在其他文件 eventsView_test.js 中从此视图调用函数.我不能这样做,因为视图将再次呈现:

So now I need to call functions from this view in other file eventsView_test.js.I can't do it like this because the View will be rendered again:

  define(['jquery','qunit','view/eventsView'], function($,qunit,EventsView){
    //var eventsView = new EventsView(); // I can't create object here

    test( "first_test_func", function() {
        var result = eventsView.first_test_func(2,2);
        equal( result, 4, "2 square equals 4" );


What should I do? Do I need some kind of singleton or something else?



Fantastic question, and one that I see all the time.

我实际上是通过创建我称之为引导程序"范例来解决这个问题的,但不管你怎么称呼它.关键是 Backbone 视图不会渲染自己,而是由使用它的人负责.您会遇到 fetch() 之类的问题,幸好这也解决了这个问题.

I actually solved this by creating what I dubbed a "bootstrap" paradigm, but call it whatever you want. The key is that the Backbone view does not render itself, but instead whomever consumes it is responsible for that. You'll run into issues with fetch() and the like, so thankfully this solves that too.


require(function () {
    var view = Backbone.View.extend({
        // initialize is executed on new, just as you found
        initialize: function (options) {

            // Create models, initialize properties, and bind to events here.
            // Basically only do __UNEXPENSIVE__, non-dom-changing things that
            // you don't care get executed a lot.

            this.someCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
            this.someCollection.on('add', this.onSomeCollectionAdd);

        // bootstrap is for server-side operations that you don't want executed
        // by every single test.
        bootstrap: function () {

        render: function () {

        first_test_func: function () {


    return view;


require(['viewpath'], function (myView) {
    var instance = new myView({ el: $('#something') });
    instance.bootstrap(); //triggers fetch, or if no fetch needed, just render


define(['jquery','qunit','view/eventsView'], function($,qunit,EventsView){

    test( "first_test_func", function() {
        // Now this line won't call the server, or render.
        // You can isolate/test what you want.
        var eventsView = new EventsView();
        var result = eventsView.first_test_func(2,2);
        equal( result, 4, "2 square equals 4" );


我强烈建议您查看 SinonJS.单元测试 JavaScript 非常棒,尤其是 Backbone 实现,因为它具有强大的模拟功能,可用于阻止渲染和服务器调用(fetchsave 等)实际命中服务器,同时仍然允许您断言他们被调用了.

Use SinonJS

I strongly recommend checking out SinonJS. It's amazing for unit testing JavaScript, particularly Backbone implementations due to its powerful mocking which can be used from preventing the rendering and server calls (fetch, save, etc) from actually hitting the server while still allowing you to assert they got called.

这篇关于Backbone 和 Require 如何添加 Qunit的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 05:43