


I'm creating a node.js project following the class constructor pattern:

function my_class(x,y){
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;


The starting point of the project is the main.js file. Any class of the project must be able to access global objects (such as "world" and "socket") which are defined on main.js. I found 4 options:

  1. 我在main.js中定义了我的班级.他们将可以访问main.js的全局变量,但main.js会变得肿.

  1. I define my classes inside main.js. They'll have access to main.js's globals for being on it's closure, but main.js will become bloated.


I move the class to another file such as my_class.js and require() it. This doesn't work because my_class's instances will lose the closure context and no longer be able to access main.js's globals.


I move the class to another file and manually inject dependencies to it's constructor (ex: my_class(world,socket)). The problem is, code becomes much more complicated and weird semantics such as "my_instance.world" pop on the source, which is nonsense because "world" is not property of my_class.

我将类移动到另一个文件,并要求使用my_class = eval(fs.readFileSync(())而不是require.当my_class获取main.js的闭包上下文时,此方法就很好了,这是我正在使用的解决方案,但似乎很笨拙.

I move the class to another file and require it using my_class = eval(fs.readFileSync(()) instead of require. This works just fine as my_class gets main.js's closure context, and is the solution I'm using, but seems hacky.


Which is the right way to modularize such node.js project?



Your problem seems tricky because you have a circular dependency: main.js depends on the functionality of my_class and my_class depends on the data of main.js.


By putting the data of main.js into the global object you resolve the circular dependency:

  • main.js取决于my_class.js
  • 的功能
  • main.js取决于global对象中的数据
  • my_class.js取决于global对象中的数据
  • main.js depends on the functionality of my_class.js
  • main.js depends on the data in the global object
  • my_class.js depends on the data in the global object


Now, to get rid of putting the data into the global object, implement a third module in let us say data.js. Then you require the sources like this:

  • main.js需要data.js
  • main.js需要my_class.js
  • my_class.js需要data.js
  • main.js requires data.js
  • main.js requires my_class.js
  • my_class.js requires data.js


Since modules in node.js are singletons both main.js and my_class.js will get the same instance of data.js.


05-29 05:32