是否有人在真实的 web 项目中使用过 Scala-JS
而不仅仅是在隔离环境中用于纯 JavaScript
Has someone used Scala-JS
in real web project but not only for plain JavaScript
replacement in isolated env ?
我想尽可能多地使用 Scala(我希望我可以).并且似乎 Scala-JS
I would like to use Scala as much as possible (I wish I could). And seems Scala-JS
claims to be that lib I could use (now) or in the future.
这就是为什么我对小型工作解决方案感兴趣,以引导(例如 PlayFramework
应用程序,其中 Scala-JS
That's why I'm interested in small working solution to look at, to bootstrap (like PlayFramework
app where Scala-JS
可以证明 Scala-JS
可用于实际 Web 开发工作的解决方案/示例.
The solution/example that could demonstrate that Scala-JS
can be used in real web-development work.
I'm asking because what I found about Scala-JS
so far is hardly real usage of it.
Q: some examples / proves that It is ready to use in real project?
更新(1 年后):
有大量示例.. 这就是我说示例"和真实网络项目"时的意思.还有很多在线培训.如果我在 Google 中查询:typescript github angular",它会返回 172 000 页.ScalaJS
There are tons of examples for TypeScript
for example.. That what I mean when I said "examples" and "real web projects". And there many online trainings. And if I query in Google: "typescript github angular", it returns 172 000 pages. ScalaJS
has lack of all it definitely and unfortunately.
但它有一些:'scala-js"github angular' - 4 980 个匹配.但目前大部分都是早期开发",没有商业支持"
But it has some: ' "scala-js" github angular ' - 4 980 matches. But so far most of it is "early stage of development" with "no commercial support"
我还没有看到专门的客户端表单验证.但是,有几个项目有效地使用了 Scala.js,其中:
I haven't seen client-side form validation specifically, yet. However, there are several projects that use Scala.js effectively, among which:
- PlayFramework 的基本设置,其中客户端 JS 是用 Scala.js 编写的莉>
- PlayFramework 的一个更重要的例子本质上展示了Scala.js 参与者的概念验证
- 其他用 Scala.js 编写的项目,但与 Play 无关,但展示了 Scala.js'不同程度的权力.
- Roll,可能是迄今为止最重要的 Scala.js 项目.
- A basic setup with PlayFramework, where client-side JS is written in Scala.js
- A more significant example with PlayFramework essentially demonstrating the Scala.js actors proof-of-concept
- Other projects written in Scala.js but with nothing to do with Play, but that demonstrate Scala.js' power to varying degrees.
- Roll, probably the most significant Scala.js project so far.
这篇关于用于真实 Web 项目的 Scala-JS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!