


I found some of the examples enable this property, but there're not enough comments to make me understand what it matters.Could you please tell me what's the best practice of this property?


PointCloud 现在是 Points.sortParticles 属性已被删除.这意味着这些点按照它们在缓冲区中存在的顺序进行渲染.下面的答案已经过时了.三.js r.73

PointCloud is now Points, and the .sortParticles property has been removed. That means the points are rendererd in the order they exist in the buffer. The answer below is outdated. three.js r.73

这是一个完美的例子,说明如果您使用 Three.js,那么至少了解 webGL 的基本概念很重要.(参见这篇SO帖子.)

This is a perfect example of why it is important to understand at least the basic concepts of webGL if you are using three.js. (See this SO post.)

如果渲染顺序很重要,您需要设置 PointCloud.sortParticles = true.

You need to set PointCloud.sortParticles = true if the rendering order matters.


Here is an example where the rendering order matters:

var material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial( {
    map: texture, // has transparent areas
    transparent: true
} );

var pointCloud = new THREE.PointCloud( geometry, material );
pointCloud.sortParticles = true; // the default is false


In this case, the renderer will sort the points by depth, so points further from the camera are rendered first, and show through the transparent areas of the closer ones.


Here is an example where rendering order does not matter:

var material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial( {
    map: texture,
    blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending,
    depthTest: false,
    transparent: true
} );

// point cloud
var pointCloud = new THREE.PointCloud( geometry, material );

由于排序发生在 CPU 端,因此最好明智地选择您的材料设置,这样您就可以避免开销——尤其是对于大型系统.

Since sorting occurs on the CPU-side, it is best to choose your material settings wisely, so you can avoid the overhead -- especially for large systems.


I suggest you build a testbed and experiment. There are many, many possible cases to consider.

three.js r.69

three.js r.69


10-23 07:40