


I'm learning objective-C and Cocoa and have come across this statement:


I've only worked in higher level languages so have never had to consider the details of strings that much. What's the difference between a string constant and string literal?



In Objective-C, the syntax @"foo" is an immutable, literal instance of NSString. It does not make a constant string from a string literal as Mike assume.

Objective-C编译器通常在编译单元中 do 个内部文字字符串,也就是说,它们合并了同一文字字符串的多种用法,而且链接程序有可能在编译单元之间进行额外的实习.直接链接到单个二进制文件中. (由于Cocoa区分了可变字符串和不可变字符串,并且文字字符串也始终是不可变的,所以这可以直接又安全.)

Objective-C compilers typically do intern literal strings within compilation units — that is, they coalesce multiple uses of the same literal string — and it's possible for the linker to do additional interning across the compilation units that are directly linked into a single binary. (Since Cocoa distinguishes between mutable and immutable strings, and literal strings are always also immutable, this can be straightforward and safe.)


Constant strings on the other hand are typically declared and defined using syntax like this:

// MyExample.h - declaration, other code references this
extern NSString * const MyExampleNotification;

// MyExample.m - definition, compiled for other code to reference
NSString * const MyExampleNotification = @"MyExampleNotification";

这里的语法练习的重点是,通过确保即使在多个框架中,使用的字符串只有一个实例,可以使字符串的使用高效 (共享库)在相同的地址空间中. (const关键字的位置很重要;它确保指针本身保证是恒定的.)

The point of the syntactic exercise here is that you can make uses of the string efficient by ensuring that there's only one instance of that string in use even across multiple frameworks (shared libraries) in the same address space. (The placement of the const keyword matters; it guarantees that the pointer itself is guaranteed to be constant.)

虽然在25MHz 68030工作站和8MB RAM的情况下燃烧内存并不像以前那么大,但是比较字符串是否相等可能需要一些时间.确保大多数时间上相等的字符串也将成为指针相等的帮助.

While burning memory isn't as big a deal as it may have been in the days of 25MHz 68030 workstations with 8MB of RAM, comparing strings for equality can take time. Ensuring that most of the time strings that are equal will also be pointer-equal helps.


Say, for example, you want to subscribe to notifications from an object by name. If you use non-constant strings for the names, the NSNotificationCenter posting the notification could wind up doing a lot of byte-by-byte string comparisons when determining who is interested in it. If most of these comparisons are short-circuited because the strings being compared have the same pointer, that can be a big win.


05-26 23:47