


I'm not a native English and so I don't understand well the meaning of 'flavor'may be is it referred to a regex syntax?? and if so how many regex syntax are there?

BRE ERE Perl等。??

BRE ERE Perl etc.??


  • Flavor指的是正则表达式引擎 - 特定正则表达式引擎支持的语法和附加属性。

  • 模式类记录了

  • 除了元字符的含义等基本内容之外,正则表达式引擎的不同实现支持不同类型的语法。例如

    • POSIX引擎支持 [:digit:] 数字(与<$ c $相同) c> [0-9]

    • Perl兼容引擎支持 \d 数字的快捷方式。

    • JavaScript不支持外观

    • PHP和其他一些支持看后面,但需要它们固定长度

    • 文本编辑器的正则表达式引擎(Notepad ++)通常不支持环顾四周。

      • Flavor refers to the regex engine - the syntax and additional properties supported by the particular regex engine.
      • Pattern class documents the properties of the java regex engine
      • Aside from the basic things like the meaning of metacharacters, different implementations of regex engines support different types of syntaxes. For example
        • POSIX engines support [:digit:] for digits (same as [0-9]
        • Perl compatible engines support \d shortcut for digits.
        • JavaScript doesn't support look behinds
        • PHP and some others support look behinds, but needs them to be fixed length
        • Regex engines of text editors (Notepad++) generally don't support look around.
        • 这篇关于在正则表达式世界中,Java使用的是什么味道和风味?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-03 05:36