I am using a webservice which provides a large result set either in XML or JSON format.Which format will be faster or better (perfomance based)? Also which language should I use to parse the XML/JSON? Should I use PHP or JavaScript?
"PHP或JavaScript"听起来似乎很奇怪:PHP 通常用作服务器端语言,而JavaScript通常被用作客户端语言.
"PHP or JavaScript" sounds like an odd choice to offer: PHP is usually used as a server-side language, whereas JavaScript is usually used as a client-side language.
您的情况如何?是什么让您特别建议这两种语言?如果您可以提供有关您要做什么的更多信息,那将会很有帮助. (我们不知道您是否在开发Web应用程序,批处理工具,GUI应用程序等).
What's your situation? What makes you suggest those two languages in particular? If you could give more information about what you're trying to do, that would help a lot. (We don't know whether you're developing a web app, a batch processing tool, a GUI application, etc.)
I suspect JSON will be a bit more compact than XML, although if they're compressing the data you may well find they end up taking the same bandwith (as a lot of the "bloat" of XML is easily compressible).
As ever, the best way to find out is to test the specific web service with some realistic data. Generalities aren't a good basis for decision-making.