今天,我创建了一个新的登台表和一个BCP .fmt文件.我创建了一些测试数据,并尝试从命令行运行BCP实用程序:
Today I created a new staging table and a BCP .fmt file. I created some test data and attempted to run the BCP utility from the command line:
I've got about 20 different format files and staging tables from previous work and this is the first time I have encountered this error.
Please note, I have added my solution below, but if you have other answers, please add them in. The answer was so quirky/obscure that I think it may help others.
Basically, this one was really strange. In order for it to work, make sure there is an empty line after the last column defined in the format file. I added an extra empty line, resaved the file, and then the BCP utility ran the file successfully. I've indicated the extra line with a red rectangle.