


I'm working with a very large project that uses:

  1. 包含带脚本标记的javascript文件的旧版JSP页面

  2. 使用其他没有RequireJS的javascript模块的骨干模型和视图

我们现在想要开始使用RequireJS jQuery,BackboneJS和UnderscoreJS用于我们从现在开发的所有内容,但是我们没有资源来重写所有遗留的JSP页面。我们可能有时间重写我们已经开发的Backbone模型和视图。

We now want to start using RequireJS with jQuery, BackboneJS and UnderscoreJS for everything we develop from now on, but we don't have the resources to rewrite all the legacy JSP pages. We may have time to rewrite the Backbone models and views we have already developed.


The problem is that for our legacy code (both 1 and 2 above) we include all our javascript files in a huge file and ship to the browsers. This huge file must be able to co-exist with our new RequireJS templates, but how can I e.g. separate certain parts of the huge file, so I can use them with the templates using RequireJS? Without having to rewrite all pages that uses this part of the file, or having duplicate code.



我不知道我是否完全掌握了手头的问题,但我认为 shim map RequireJS的功能将帮助你。

I don't know if I fully grasp the problem at hand, but I think a the shim or map functions of RequireJS will help you out.


Extract the parts you want in a new module from your huge javascript file. Then tell RequireJS that your huge javascript file is a dependecy for this new module using shim. Something like:

    shim: {
        'new-module': {
            deps: ['huge-javascript-file'],
            exports: 'NewModule'



The map function might be useful when only portions of your new code have to use your old huge file. Check out this documentation: http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config-map


08-22 22:00