等.我使用 tomcat8
来部署我的动态 Web 项目.启动 tomcat-server 时没有任何 Exceptions
.但是似乎出现了一些问题:一些值(从 db 获取)应该显示在 jsp 页面上不再显示.没有抛出 Exceptions
.我还可以看到我已经在 Action Classes
Recently we fixed the struts2's 'S2-045' problem.I updated all the struts2
related jar files including freemarker
, ognl
, xWork
,etc. I use tomcat8
to deploy my dynamic web project. There were not any Exceptions
while starting the tomcat-server. But some problems seemed occur: some values(got from db) should be displayed on the jsp pages dose not show up any more. There is no Exceptions
thrown. I also can watch that I have already got the very Objects correctly in the Action Classes
the following is some examples
// index.jsp ----- here is the list I want to show on the page.
// the list is the type of List<News> (Class News is my bussiness Class).
// I want to get the 'fTitle' and 'fCreatetime_s' from 'News' but they
// do not show up! (This used to be working very well.)
<s:bean name="org.ulibrary.web.Getarclist">
<s:iterator value="list">
<span class="listTitle">
<a target="_blank" href="ViewArc.action? uuid=${UUID}">${fTitle}</a>
<span class="listDate">${fCreatetime_s}</span>
以下是相关字段 id News.java
Following is the ralated fields id News.java
// News.java (**just some ralated fields**)
class News{
@GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid")
@GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid")
@Column(name = "f_uuid", length = 32, unique = true)
private String UUID;
@Column(name = "f_title", length = 200)
private String fTitle;
private String fCreatetime_s;
public String getUUID() {
return UUID;
public void setUUID(String uuid) {
UUID = uuid;
public String getFTitle() {
return fTitle;
public void setFTitle(String title) {
fTitle = title;
public String getFCreatetime_s() {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return formatter.format(Long.valueOf(fCreatetime));
public void setFCreatetime_s(String createtime_s) {
fCreatetime_s = createtime_s;
然后是 GetarcList.java
//GetarcList.java (just include some related fields)
class GetarcList{
private List list;
public void setList(List list) {
this.list = list;
//!!!!!!$$$$$$$$--- Attention -----$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!
// this method returns a List<News> , I can successfully get every value of 'News' in the list
public List getList() throws AuctionException{
String orderby_str = (String) OrderByMap.get(String.valueOf(orderby));
list = webTagManager.getArcList(row, typeid, titlelen, infolen, orderby_str + " " + orderway);
return list;
我认为这可能是由 OGNL 或 JSP 相关的 jar 文件引起的.我在 index.jsp
或 java-files 中没有发现任何问题.
I think this maybe caused by the OGNL or JSP related jar-files. I didn't find any problems in my index.jsp
or java-files.
You need to use getters/setters in the following format. Properties with only one starting lowercase letter are not uppercased.
public String getfTitle() {
return fTitle;
public void setfTitle(String title) {
fTitle = title;