

如果我们可以做的Tomcat /贾斯珀编译使用JSP一个Ant任务,岂不更好出货与pre-编译的JSP类文件,而不是自己的JSP吗?WAR

If we can make Tomcat/Jasper compile JSPs using an ANT task, wouldn't it better to ship the WAR with pre-compiled JSPs as class files, rather than JSPs themselves?

这样的话,我们不使用Weblogic / Webshere JSP编译问题束缚。所有这一切,他们将得到的是类文件。

That way, we are not tied down with Weblogic/Webshere JSP compilation issues. All that they would get are 'class' files.

我认为这将需要的JSP的servlet将不得不以某种方式关闭。和Spring / Struts的servlet将要启用的处理的JSP的推广。

I think this would need that the "jsp" servlet would have to be turned off somehow. And the Spring/Struts Servlet will have to enabled to handle 'jsp' extension.


What do you think? And what is the more commonly done thing in other production environments?



I would generally say no it's not better. I think it's too much trouble to go through, then just packaging the ear/war up and shipping.


If you're JSP's aren't compiling in production, and are compiling locally or in QA then you have other issues that need to be solved as well.


11-02 12:21