我正在尝试从 OAuth.io 获取任何基于 Google 的提供商的访问令牌,但是每当我进行身份验证时,我都会得到一个 access_token 但没有 refresh_token.我为 access_type 选择了离线,但仍然不高兴.
I am trying to get access tokens from OAuth.io for any Google based provider however whenever I authenticate I get an access_token but no refresh_token. I have chosen offline for the access_type but still no joy.
I have tried looking through the documentation for a solution but it barely covers anything related to the refresh token.
要从 Google 获取刷新令牌,您需要做两件事:
To get the refresh token from Google, you need 2 things:
可用于获取新访问令牌的令牌.刷新令牌在用户撤销访问之前一直有效.仅当授权代码请求中包含 access_type=offline 时才会出现此字段."
approval_prompt 选项设置为强制"参见 https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer
so your script should look something like
OAuth.popup('google', {
authorize: {
approval_prompt: 'force'
}).then(function(google) {
//send the refresh token to your server
如果您在客户端(Javascript/iOS/Android/Phonegap)工作,您可能还需要激活以下选项:Send refresh token to front-end
在 OAuth.io 仪表板中> 常规 > 允许您的客户端 SDK 检索刷新令牌的高级选项
If you are working client-side (Javascript / iOS / Android / Phonegap), you may also need to activate the following option: Send refresh token to front-end
in the OAuth.io dashboard > General > advanced option to allow your client side SDK to retrieve the refresh token
这篇关于使用 OAuth.io 从 Google 获取刷新令牌的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!