最近,我一直感觉 jQuery 逐渐成为JS库中的事实上的标准(我可能错了! ),或者至少比其他框架更活跃.
Lastly I've been feeling like jQuery is slowly becoming the defacto standard in JS libraries (I might be wrong!), or at least that is more active than the rest of the frameworks.
例如,我一直在寻找像Componente这样的开源日历,并且找到 http://fullcalendar.基于jQuery的vinsol.com/.
For example, I've been looking for a fine open source calendar like Componente and found http://fullcalendar.vinsol.com/ which is based on jQuery.
We've been using Prototype for very little things, like its selector capabilities ($
function as a shortcut for document.getElementById
, mainly), executing some piece of JS when the page is loaded and to issue some very simple Ajax calls.
So I guess the migration should be quite straight forward, but I'd like to know the pros / cons of migrating from Prototype to jQuery.
On the other hand, I guess that having both of them together is not a good choice, specially taking into account that the migration should be quite simple. Am I right?
- 您如何将网站从Prototype切换到jQuery
- jQuery&原型冲突
- 从原型转换为jquery
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_JavaScript_frameworks
- How would you go about for switching a site from Prototype to jQuery
- jQuery & Prototype Conflict
- converting from prototype to jquery
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_JavaScript_frameworks
Prototype and JQuery cover very similar fields. I have used Prototype as my main JS Framework for many years professionally, and I'm migrating to JQuery. Here's why:
JQuery is faster. Prototype comes last in all performance comparisons I've seen (Random pick here). I also have a long-standing subjective impression that Prototype's effects are slower overall, especially on older machines.
JQuery似乎不仅在Stack Overflow上更受欢迎,而且在Stack Overflow上也更受欢迎.这意味着更容易获得支持,并且可用插件和现成代码的数量要多得多.这不是我的中心原因,而是与jQuery是技术上更可靠的平台的总体印象一起,选择变得显而易见.
JQuery seems to be more popular, not only, but also, on Stack Overflow. Which means it is way easier to get support, and the number of available plug-ins and ready-made code is much larger. That's not the central reason for me but together with the overall impression that jQuery is the more technically sound platform, the choice became obvious.
- jQuery代码往往看起来很恐怖.我非常喜欢JQuery及其哲学 ,但是我经常讨厌看代码.如果有人提出了一种看起来像普通的JavaScript一样美丽和结构化的JQuery方言,那么我很乐意加入. :)
- JQuery code tends to look horrible. I like JQuery and its philosophy very much, but I often hate looking at the code. If somebody came up with a dialect of JQuery that looks as beautiful and structured as plain vanilla JavaScript, I'll gladly be on board. :)
Re the comments: Additional clarification about what I don't like about jQuery's coding style.
In one word: Brackets. Thousands and thousands of them :)
Seriously though. I realize that much of what is considered "jQuery style" are shortcuts and shorthands that are entirely optional to use. Still, from a code readability and maintainability perspective, I find large chunks of jQuery code much more difficult to read and get into. Yes, that will become much easier with growing jQuery experience, but, I want my code to be readable even to a total outsider. In regards to that, jQuery is not going into the right direction IMO. Much of the code is plain ugly. It is my only major criticism of this great framework to date.
虽然方法链接,@ noah和诸如新的.delay()
Method chaining though, @noah, and stuff like the new .delay()
or what its name was, I think totally rock. I'm not saying anything against that.