本文介绍了描述时间范围的最佳 GUI 控件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I need to let end users specify a time range, to be stored and used internally as a starting date/time and ending date/time. The range could be minutes or it could be days.


大多数 GUI 工具包都有一个日历控件,所以我可以用一天的日历和时间的文本字段指定开始"……结束"也是如此.

Most GUI toolkits have a calendar control, so I could specify "start" with a calendar for the day and a text field for the time...and the same for "end".


I could also replace the "end" controls with a single text field or slider that simply describes how many seconds/minutes/hours after start "end" is.


What I don't like about these ideas is how much clicking, typing, and more clicking is required to describe such a simple concept. Also I have to slap the user's hand if a time is typed in that isn't recognizable as a time.


Is there a cleaner implementation that I'm overlooking?



I tend to look at common design patterns for inspiration when I'm pondering problems such as this.

雅虎模式库 提供 一些潜在的解决方案.

UI 模式网站给出一些建议,值得一看.

为了更好地衡量,这里是 Welie 模式库中的另一个解决方案.

For good measure, here's another solution at the Welie pattern library.

另一个灵感来源可能是其他网站和应用程序.例如,考虑需要记录短时间和长时间持续时间的所有用例.例如,公司 TimeSheet 记录、公司汽车里程日志软件、任务记录软件、秒表应用程序、日历应用程序等.然后看看他们如何处理用于捕获时间范围的 GUI 控件.

Another source of inspiration might be other sites and applications. For example, think of all the use-cases where recording short and long time time durations is required. As an example, company TimeSheet recording, company car mileage log software, task recording software, stopwatch applications, calendaring apps, etc. Then see how they've handled the GUI controls for capturing time ranges.


I haven't personally found a favourite solution for picking date and time. But, I think I'd want something like this.


这篇关于描述时间范围的最佳 GUI 控件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!