


The documentation for jquery.tmpl uses .appendTo to insert the template into the DOM during the rendering process:

$.tmpl( myTemplate, myData ).appendTo( "#target" );


I am attempting to convert an existing app from another templating engine, and my code needs to render a template into a string first before it is added to the DOM. Is this possible? How would that be done?


jQuery模板提供$.template() -它使用您的数据评估缓存的模板后返回字符串数组.我是从头开始写的(也是从Chrome控制台中的实验写的),但是您会得到整个主意的.

jQuery Templating provides $.template() (see description in source code) - it returns array of strings after evaluating cached template with your data. I am writing from scratch (and from experiments in Chrome's console), but you'll get the whole idea.

  1. 创建并缓存命名模板函数

  1. Create and cache a named template function


  • 获取您的模板函数并使用您的数据调用

  • Get your template function and invoke it with your data

    var tmpl = $.template("template-name"); // template function
    var strings = tmpl($, {data: {<your data here>}}); // array of strings
    var output = strings.join(''); // single string

  • 这篇关于如何将jQuery.tmpl模板呈现为字符串?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    07-17 02:29