本文介绍了C ++模板:部分模板规范和朋友类的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否有可能使部分模板规范成为朋友类? IE.认为您具有以下模板类

is it possible to somehow make a partial template specification a friend class? I.e. consider you have the following template class

template <class T> class X{
    T t;


Now you have partial specializations, for example, for pointers

template <class T> class X<T*>{
    T* t;

我想完成的是,每个可能的X<T*>X<S>的任何S的朋友类. IE. X<A*>应该是X<B>的朋友.

What I want to accomplish is that every possible X<T*> is a friend class of X<S> for ANY S. I.e. X<A*> should be a friend of X<B>.


Of course, I thought about a usual template friend declaration in X:

template <class T> class X{
    template <class S> friend class X<S*>;

但是,这无法编译,g ++告诉我:

However, this does not compile, g++ tells me this:

test4.cpp:34:15:错误:"template<class T> class X"的专业化必须出现在名称空间范围内

test4.cpp:34:15: error: specialization of 'template<class T> class X' must appear at namespace scope


test4.cpp:34:21: error: partial specialization 'X<S*>' declared 'friend'


Is this not possible at all or is there some workaround?


The reason why I am asking is that I need a constructor in X<T*> that creates this class from an arbitrary X<S> (S must be a subtype of T).


template <class T> class X<T*>{
    T* t;

    template<class S>
    X(X<S> x) : t(&(x.t))  {} //Error, x.t is private


Now, the compiler complains, of course, that x.t is not visibile in the constructor since it is private. This is why I need a partial specialization friend class.


在C ++中,您可以在四个级别上授予private以外的权限.

In C++, you can grant access beyond private on four levels.

  • 完全public访问(请参阅pmr的答案)
  • 继承层次结构内的访问权限(protected,此处无关)
  • 到基本模板friend(请参阅此答案)
  • 非模板或完全专用的friend(太弱而无法解决您的用例)
  • completely public access (see pmr's answer)
  • access within inheritance hierarchy (protected, irrelevant here)
  • to a base template friend (see this answer)
  • to a non-template or fully specialized friend (too weak to solve your use case)


摘自C ++标准的第14.5.4节:.

From §14.5.4 of the C++ standard:.


The following declaration will allow you to implement what you need. It gives you a free hand to access any specialization of your template from any other specialization, but still only within X. It is slightly more permissive than what you asked for.

template<class T> class X
    template<class Any> friend class X;

这篇关于C ++模板:部分模板规范和朋友类的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 15:35