


I have a symfony application that gets served by a cdn (eg. akamai) and I generate the asset url on the templates with:

{{ asset('myJs.js') }}

我想要的时候生成类似(假设该网站由 www.example.com 服务)的url:

When I do I want to generate a url like (supposing that the site is served by www.example.com) :

其中的v参数在为了强制CDN(例如akamai网络)缓存我较新的版本。动态生成 v 参数的好方法吗?

Where the v parameter get a deployed version in order to force cdn (eg. akamai network) to cache me newer version. Is it a good way to dynamically generate the v parameter?



If you want to append a hash to the file that is kept unique per version, you could either use the file modification time of that file or a hash. The best way could be to create a new Twig function versionedAsset() that uses the output of asset() and appends this hash to the generated URL


09-05 16:14