本文介绍了从 Instagram 个人资料中读取文本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


问题是如果用户输入 Instagram URL,如何从 Instagram 个人资料中读取文本.我尝试使用 java.net.URL,但得到的只是大量的 HTML 文本.我对使用网页几乎一无所知,因此我正在寻求有关如何从个人资料中获取文本(个人简介、帖子标题、评论)的帮助.

The question is how to read text from an Instagram profile if a user inputs an Instagram URL. I tried using java.net.URL and all I get is a big load of HTML text. I know little to nothing about working with web pages, so I am seeking some help with how I would get text from the profile (bio, post captions, comments).



您可以使用 jsoup (https://jsoup.org/) 从 html 内容中提取特定标签.

You can use jsoup (https://jsoup.org/) to extract the specific tag from html content.

这是从 HTML 正文中提取 h1 标记内容的示例.

Here is an example to extract h1 tag content from the body of the HTML.

        // Parse HTML String using JSoup library
        String HTMLSTring = "<!DOCTYPE html>"
                + "<html>"
                + "<head>"
                + "<title>JSoup Example</title>"
                + "</head>"
                + "<body>"
                + "<table><tr><td>
                + "</table>"
                + "</body>"
                + "</html>";

        Document html = Jsoup.parse(HTMLSTring);
        String title = html.title();
        String h1 = html.body().getElementsByTag("h1").text();


You can find a few more examples from the below blog posthttps://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2014/09/how-to-parse-html-file-in-java-jsoup-example.html


这篇关于从 Instagram 个人资料中读取文本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 21:07