在 iOS 6
in iOS 6
there's a new "feature" that mirrors the UI elements in the xib file if the user is on right-to-left locale (hebrew, arabic).(http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/miscellaneous/conceptual/iphoneostechoverview/iPhoneOSTechnologies/iPhoneOSTechnologies.html)
It completely messes up my interface.
Is there a way to disable it without disabling auto-layout?
水平约束在Interface Builder中具有方向选项。默认情况下,它设置为导致尾随,从而导致镜像。您可以将其设置为从左到右以禁用镜像。
Horizontal constraints have the "Direction" option in Interface Builder. By default it's set to "Leading to Trailing" which causes the mirroring. You can set it to "Left to Right" to disable the mirroring.
注意,通过编辑storyboard / xib文件来更改所有约束会导致异常或混乱布局,它似乎Interface Builder在更改方向设置时创建/更改了一些额外的约束。
Note, changing all the constraints by editing storyboard/xib files causes exceptions or messed up layout, it seems that Interface Builder creates / changes some additional constraints when changing the direction setting.
因此,我发现更改现有xib / storyboard的更快方法是选择所有使用Leading to Trailing设置的约束,将它们全部更改为从左到右,然后检查是否自动创建了一些新的水平约束 - 它们的方向也应该更改为从左到右。
So the faster way I found to change the existing xib/storyboard, is to select all the constraints with the "Leading to Trailing" set, change them all together to "Left to Right" and then check if some new horizontal constraints were automatically created - their direction should be changed to "Left to Right" as well.