This is going to be one of those awkward questions looking for an answer that probably doesn't exist, but here goes.
I've been developing some simple games using Corona and whilst the functionality seems to work pretty well across most of the physical devices I have tested on, the one main issue is the layout. I know you can't really build for every single device perfectly, but I'm wondering if there is a common method to make an app look good across as many screens as possible. I have access to these devices
- iPad 1& 2:4:3(1.33)
- iPhone 960×640 3:2(1.5)
- iPhone 480x320 3:2(1.5)
- Galaxy Nexus 16:9(1.77)
据我所见,人们的目标是使用320x480作为缩放分辨率,然后让Corona放大到正确的设备分辨率(根据需要使用任何@ 2x图像),但这会导致BOX或裁切,具体取决于config.lua标度设置.虽然它确实可以正确缩放,但是拥有信箱并不好.
From what I have seen, people aim to use 320x480 as a scaled resolution and then let Corona upscale to the correct device resolution (with any @2x images as required) but this leads to letterboxing or cropping depending on the config.lua scale setting. Whilst it does scale correctly, having a letterbox isn't great.
所以我最好不要在配置文件中指定宽度和高度,而是首先使用某种屏幕检查来寻找1.33/1.5/1.77的宽高比吗?当然,从Corona SDK的整个角度来看,开发人员会使用某种典型"设置来开始任何新项目吗?
So would I be best to not specify a width&height in the config file, but instead to use some sort of screen check at first to look for 1.33 / 1.5 / 1.77 aspect ratios? Surely with the whole point of Corona SDK, there would be some sort of 'typical' setup that developers use for the start of any new project?
看来,我已经根据Ansca网站上的以下论坛帖子找到了一个非常不错的解决方案: http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2012/03/12/understanding-letterbox-scalling
It seems that I have found a pretty good solution based on this forum post on the Ansca website: http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2012/03/12/understanding-letterbox-scalling
In summary, the config.lua should look like this:
application = {
content = {
width = 320,
height = 480,
scale = "letterbox",
xAlign = "center",
yAlign = "center",
imageSuffix = {
["@2x"] = 2,
为较旧的设备创建360 * 570的背景图像. 320x480屏幕将略微裁切图像,并且可以很好地缩放以用于较旧的Android设备.
Create background images at 360*570 for older devices. 320x480 screens will crop the image slightly and it will scale nicely for older Android devices.
为iPad和iPhone视网膜创建1140 * 720的背景图像-同样,这些图像将在Android上缩放,并在iOS上略有裁剪.
Create background images at 1140*720 for iPad and iPhone retina - again these will scale on Android and be slightly cropped on iOS.
As an example, where you would normally create a 320x480 image and display it with:
local bg = display.newImageRect("bg.png",320x480)
bg.x = display.contentWidth/2
bg.y = display.contentHeight/2
.. instead create a 360x570 background and use the following code:
local bg = display.newImageRect("bg.png",360x570)
bg.x = display.contentWidth/2
bg.y = display.contentHeight/2
This is just a summary, so check the link for more detailed instructions.
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