

我有一个PDF模板(使用Adobe Livecycle Designer设计),该模板具有一个子窗体和一个文本字段.这两个对象的属性设置为float.并将那些对象的高度设置为Autofit.这些对象的所有封闭父级高度都设置为AutoFit.

I have a PDF template (designed using Adobe Livecycle designer), that has a subform and a textfield. The properties of those two objects is set to float. And the height of those objects is set to Autofit. All the enclosing parents heights of these objects were set to AutoFit.


My intention here is to increase the textfield height depending on the text content we enter into the textfield.


When I preview the template from the Adobe designer, the generated preview PDF, displays the textfield as floating (based on the test data I entered).


For our application purposes, we use iText.

基本上,我们加载这些预定义的模板,然后使用iText API将数据填写到这些字段中.

Basically, we load these predefined templates, and fill in the data into those fields using iText API.

我们使用的iText的当前版本是iText 5.1.3

The current version of iText we use is iText 5.1.3


Document document = new Document();
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(<inputTemplate>);
ByteArrayOutputStream aStream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfStamper stamper2 = new PdfStamper(reader, aStream2);
AcroFields form = stamper2.getAcroFields();
form.setField("<fieldname>", "<fieldvalue>");




The PDF thus generated displays only text that fits into the size of the textbox, basically ignoring to overflow.


Hopefully, I have given enough description of the problem I am encountering. I want to dynamically embed the content and make rest of the PDF floatable. I wonder how else I can acheive this using iText?



You're mixing different things.

PDF中有两种类型的表单技术:-AcroForm技术:使用PDF语法描述表单,例如使用字典/字典使用键/值对描述字段,以及使用PDF数组存储字段的坐标,等等.如果使用AcroForm技术,则无法满足您的要求.您使用了错误的技术.通常,这些表单是使用Adobe Acrobat,LibreOffice,...创建的.-XML表单体系结构(XFA):使用XML描述表单. PDF充当XML的容器.通常,这些表单是使用Adobe LiveCycle Designer创建的.

There are two types of form technology in PDF:- AcroForm technology: the form is described using PDF syntax, such as PDF dictionaries to describe a field using key/value pairs, and such as PDF arrays to store the coordinates of a field, and so on. If you use AcroForm technology, your requirement can't be met. You're using the wrong technology. Typically these forms are created using Adobe Acrobat, LibreOffice,...- the XML Forms Architecture (XFA): the form is described using XML. The PDF acts as a container for the XML. Typically, these forms are created using Adobe LiveCycle Designer.


Sometimes a form uses both technologies (hybrid forms) in which case the form is defined using PDF syntax as well as XML syntax.

实现所需目标的唯一方法是使用纯dynamix XFA形式.在这种情况下,您不能使用setField()方法.相反,您必须像在本示例中一样使用fillXfaForm(): http://itextpdf.com/examples/iia.php?id=165 或者,您必须使用XFA Worker,可以在此处找到一个演示: http://demo.itextsupport.com/xfademo/

The only way to achieve what you want, is to use pure, dynamix XFA forms. In that case, you can't use the setField() method. Instead, you either have to use fillXfaForm() as is done in this example: http://itextpdf.com/examples/iia.php?id=165Or you have to use XFA Worker for which you can find a demo here: http://demo.itextsupport.com/xfademo/


08-22 22:18