

Close() Dispose()相同还是使用using语句。

Is Close() same as Dispose() or using statement. Is it necessary to call using statement even if Close is called?.


I know before disposing of an object, close should be called, so we close the resource and may it available to Dispose.

使用仅适用于 IDisposable 继承的对象,请参见:

using only applies to IDisposable inherited objects, see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yh598w02.aspx

Close() Dispose()可能没有任何关系。

Close() and Dispose() may not considered to be related in any way.

IDisposable 接口已正确实现,您可以假设将执行所有必要的清理工作。这意味着将执行对 Close()方法的内部调用。这意味着不需要显式调用 Close()

When the IDisposable interface is correctly implemented, you may assume all clean-up necessary will be carried out. This implies an internal call to a Close() method would be carried out. This means that an explicit call to Close() should not be necessary.

当对象的类型为 IDisposable 并公开 Close()方法时,将调用 Close()不足以正确处理/清理对象。必须仍然调用 Dispose(),您可以直接执行此操作,也可以通过 using 语句来执行此操作。

The other way round; when a object is of type IDisposable and exposes a Close() method, a call to Close() will not be sufficient to properly dispose/clean-up the object. Dispose() must still be called, you can do this directly, or through the using statement.

您还可以让垃圾收集器为您处理 Dispose()调用(如果正确实施,请参阅:),但是这被认为是不好的做法,因为您需要依靠适当的实现并且不能直接控制GC的时间。

You can also let the garbage-collector handle the Dispose() call for you (if its correctly implemented, see: Proper use of the IDisposable interface) But this is considered bad-practice, since you need to rely on a proper implementation and have no direct control over the GC timing.

请注意,实施关闭的原因()函数,通常是为开发人员提供一种重用对象的方法。调用 Dispose()之后,该对象被视为已标记为完成,并且可能不再使用。

Please note, a reason to implement a Close() function, is usually to give a developer a way to reuse the object. After calling Dispose() the object is considered to be marked for finalization and may not be used any more.


08-22 19:15