从我的理解cpanel使用php crob工作(或者吗?)任何一种方式我不想使用php。
$ b $ Cron可以运行服务器/计算机上的任何脚本或程序理解在这种情况下(如果我正确地知道node.js),你可以在dev / null中执行一个wget来在node.js服务器上运行应用程序
#* * * * *已执行
# - - - - -
#| | | | |
#| | | | + -----星期几(0-6)(星期日= 0)
#| | | + -------月(1 - 12)
#| | + ---------月份(1 - 31)
#| + -----------小时(0 - 23)
#+ ------------- min(0 - 59)
* / 15 * * * * wget -qO / dev / null
15 * * * *每小时通过15分钟
I have a backbone application where users can make scheduled events. For these events I assume I will need use some type cron scheduling. It would be around 100 jobs ran a day.
From my understanding cpanel use php for crob jobs (or does it?) either way I don't want to use php.
Is it possible to have nodejs do some type of scheduling where it will run a particular event (in this case a ajax posts) at scheduled times through out the day for a considerable amount of days in the future?
Also not to be confused with timers where you do some method in a particular amount of hours from now. A better example you be do "xyz" 4pm Monday 2/25/2012
I also wondering would everything reset if the server is restarted.
Any help is appreciated.
Cron can run any script or program that the server/computer understands
In this case (if i know node.js correctly) you could do a wget into dev/null to run the application on your node.js server
Cron works like this:
#* * * * * command to be executed
#- - - - -
#| | | | |
#| | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
#| | | +------- month (1 - 12)
#| | +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
#| +----------- hour (0 - 23)
#+------------- min (0 - 59)
Example web script run:*/15 * * * * wget http://example.com/example.js -qO /dev/null
This means every fifteenth minute (or something like that often everyhow ^^)15 * * * * Means 15 minutes passed every hour