我有一个.net Core Web Api,其配置文件位于名为Config的文件夹下.我从中创建了图像和一个容器,然后在终端上正确看到了该容器,其中包含文件夹和配置文件.
I have a .net Core web Api having configurations files under a folder called Config.I created the image and a container from it, and I correctly see using the terminal, that the container contains the folder and the configuration files inside.
My problem is that so far I couldn't find a way to create the same container mounting/binding the Config folder to a physical path, following the requirements:
1) Mount Config folder to a specific host location
2) On container creation, the Config folder should be filled with the files in the image
3) On container creation, override any existing file already present in the folder with those in the image
4) Be able to customize the config files in the folder from the host
docker --tls -H="$containerUrl" `
create `
--hostname $hostname `
--name $containerName `
--mac-address=$containerMacAddress `
--ip $containerIpAddress `
--net "bridged-network" `
--workdir '/app' `
--mount type=bind,src=$configVolumePath,target=/app/Config `
--publish "" `
-t `
-i $imageName":"$script:buildversion
按照文档中的说明,使用类型为 bind 的-mount ,如果文件夹中有文件,则这些文件会隐藏在容器和应用程序中将看到已部署的文件.此解决方案的问题是我无法从主机更新config文件夹中的文件.
Using --mount with type bind, as specified in the documentation, if there is any file in the folder, those hare hidden from within the container and the application will see the deployed files.The problem of this solution is that I cannot update the files in the config folder from the host.
现在,删除 type = bind 我得到的结果是一样的,而且令人困惑.
Now, removing type=bind I get the same result, and it is confusing.
我尝试使用卷-volume $ configVolumePath:/app/Config:rw" ,但是这样做不会覆盖主机目录中的现有文件,而这些文件是将在容器内使用.
I tried to use volume --volume $configVolumePath":/app/Config:rw", but doing so the pre exising files in the host directory are not overridden and those are the one that will be used within the container.
Additional notes, I don't specify anything in the Dockerfile or compose related to volume mounting, and I didn't try to create a volume to then use it as a source, but I don't think that would make a difference.
The container server is running on a NAS and this is the version:
Version: 1.11.2
API version: 1.23
Go version: go1.5.4
Git commit: 781516c
Built: Thu Aug 3 16:04:05 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Clearly I'm missing something and I have to learn more about docker, can anyone help?
1) https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin /volumes/bind-mounts/
2) https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/volumes /volumes/
First of all, docker volumes or bind mounts behave like linux mounts.
If the host volume/mount exists and contains files it will "override" whatever is in the container. If not the container files will be mirrored onto the host volume/mount and the container folder and the host will be in sync.In both cases editing the files on the host will ALWAYS be refelected inside the container.
In your case, you can do the following:
docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=none \
--opt device=$configVolumePath \
--opt o=bind \
这将创建一个卷,该卷将保留在主机上的$ configVolumePath中.
This will create a volume which will be persisted in $configVolumePath on the host.
When creating the container use that volume:
docker create --volume config_vol:/app/Config
您将得到的是启动,主机文件夹将为空,并且映像中的文件将被复制"到主机文件夹中. $configVolumePath
What you will get is on startup, the host folder will be empty and the files from the image will be "copied" onto the host folder. Editing files in $configVolumePath
will be relected inside the container and similarlyfiles edited inside the container /app/Config
will be reflected in $configVolumePath
on the host.