I looked around the docs but didn't see any way to rename a clip as it is imported by a model importer. Is there an API call to name the clips? This is of particular importance because mecanim uses string names for the basis of its api calls and I want clips whose file names are right to have a specific naming convention even if the artist named it something else or will I have to rename thousands of files by hand?
https://s3.amazonaws .com/uploads.hipchat.com/20686/98498/FukbQZCxHofQopy/Untitled-2.jpg
获取 ModelImporter
来自 AssetImporter
.然后,您可以从 ModelImporter.defaultClipAnimations
Get ModelImporter
from AssetImporter
. You can then get the animation clips from ModelImporter.defaultClipAnimations
. Loop through the animation clips, rename each one then save it.
using UnityEditor;
public class CreateAnimationClip : AssetPostprocessor
void OnPreprocessAnimation()
ModelImporter modelImporter = assetImporter as ModelImporter;
ModelImporterClipAnimation[] clipAnimations = modelImporter.defaultClipAnimations;
//Modify/Rename animation clips?
for (int i = 0; i < clipAnimations.Length; i++)
clipAnimations[i].name = "Your New Clip Name";
//Assign modiffied clip names back to modelImporter
modelImporter.clipAnimations = clipAnimations;