我怎样才能摆脱内在的馅饼,并保持外面的甜甜圈,就像其他图书馆一样? (类似于RGraph:。
I've been searching for the solution to generate the simplest donut chart with Highcharts library. However, all examples of Highcharts show the style of chart with both inner pie and outer donut (refer to: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-donut)
How can I get rid of the inner pie and just keep the outer donut, just like other libraries do? (something like RGraph: http://www.rgraph.net/examples/donut.html)
Thank you.
You just need to provide the data as an array of two element (key / value) arrays. Specify an innerSize
to get the donut style.
So your parameters will contain something like this:
data: [["Firefox",6],["MSIE",4],["Chrome",7]],
innerSize: '20%',
Here's a jsFiddle of a complete example.