I want any traffic coming from urlnumberone.com and urlnumbertwo.com to redirect to a couple of specific pages on my site.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(www.\.)?urlnumberone\.com
RewriteRule ^$ /thepath/tomypage/goeshere/ [L]
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^http://(www.\.)?urlnumbertwo\.com
RewriteRule ^$ /thesecond/pathgoeshere/ [L]
Right now, both URLs are simply taking the user to the homepage on my site, rather than going to the pages I've intended. What am I doing wrong? In case it matters, the site is a WordPress site and the WordPress rules are UNDER these redirects, not above them in the code.
RewriteCond 行中有一个额外的点,因此括号中的部分当前表示 www(any-character)(literal-dot),这将阻止与www匹配您需要匹配的域的版本-除非您尝试匹配 www6.urlnumberone.com
和 www3.urlnumberone.com之类的域
I think there are two issues. There is an extra dot in the RewriteCond
lines, so the portion in parentheses currently means "www(any-character)(literal-dot)", which would prevent matching the www version of the domain that you need to match -- unless you're trying to match domains like www6.urlnumberone.com
and www3.urlnumberone.com
RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER} ^ http://(www.\。)?urlnumberone\.com
RewriteCond%{HTTP_REFERER} ^ http://(www\。)?urlnumberone\.com
接下来,对于 RewriteRule
行,我将更改 ^ $
Next, for the RewriteRule
line, I would change the ^$
(replacing an empty string) with .*
(replacing the whole path), and use a 302 or 301 redirect. Since WordPress rewrites every URL that isn't an existing file or directory, it's easy to make redirect loops by mistake, so using a 301 or 302 should help prevent that. So I would use:
RewriteRule。* / thepath / tomypage / goeshere / [R = 302,L]
There may be mod_rewrite wizards out there that have a better answer, but this method works well in my experience.