

如果我离开了templateUrl在我的路由空,范围可查询,但没有模板的表现。但是,如果我写它只是作为链接plunker项目,它使链接无法点击:(但只是为LI> a元素......也plunker我不能让它可行的,不知道为什么...任何人?


    变种portApp = angular.module('portApp',['ui.router']);    portApp.config(函数($ stateProvider,$ urlRouterProvider,$ locationProvider){
        $ urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/家);
        $ stateProvider
                templateUrl:意见/ listView.html',
                templateUrl:意见/ listView.html',
                templateUrl:意见/ resumeView.html
                templateUrl:意见/ itemView.html',
            $ locationProvider.html5Mode(真);
    });    portApp.factory(workFactory功能(){
        VAR作品= [
            缩略图:IMG / portfolio02.png
            图片:IMG / ismont.png
            缩略图:IMG / portfolio03.png
            图片:IMG / sanofimont.png
                选择= works.filter(功能(工作){
                    返回work.Link == detPath;
    });    portApp.controller(ListController,[$范围,workFactory
            $ scope.allWorks = workFactory.list();
    ]);    portApp.controller(ItemController,[$范围,workFactory,$ stateParams
        功能($范围,workFactory,$ stateParams){
            VAR detPath = $ stateParams.itemLink;
            //$scope.selectedWork = workFactory.selected(detPath);
            $ scope.selectedWork = workFactory.selected(detPath)[0];
            警报($ scope.selectedWork);



  $ stateProvider
        模板:'<格UI视图=>< / DIV>,

我们可以看到,超级父状态的 '根' 网址定义是没有,而且它确实包含模板的(其中所有的孩子都被注入)




Another question guys :)If I leave the templateUrl empty in my routing, the scope is queriable but no template showing. But if I write it just as in the linked plunker project, it makes the links unclickable :( but just for the li > a elements... also in plunker I cannot make it workable, don't know why... anyone?http://plnkr.co/edit/VKhhcSmepMTxBT7R5AuO

And here is the ap.js itself for helping

    var portApp = angular.module('portApp', ['ui.router']);

    portApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
            .state('root', {
                url: '/home',
                abstract: true,
                templateUrl: 'views/listView.html',
                controller: 'ListController'
            .state('home', {
                url: '/home',
                templateUrl: 'views/listView.html',
                controller: 'ListController'
            .state('about', {
                url: '/about',
                templateUrl: 'views/resumeView.html'
            .state('items', {
                url: '/items/:itemLink',
                templateUrl: 'views/itemView.html',
                controller: 'ItemController'

    portApp.factory("workFactory", function() {
        var works = [
            Title: "Sprite",
            subTitle: "",
            Link: "sprite",
            Thumbnail: "img/portfolio02.png",
            Image: "img/ismont.png"
            Title: "Pepsi",
            subTitle: "Kristályvíz",
            Link: "pepsi",
            Thumbnail: "img/portfolio03.png",
            Image: "img/sanofimont.png"
        return {
            list: function() {
                return works;
            selected: function(detPath) {
                selected = works.filter(function(work) {
                    return work.Link == detPath;
                return selected;

    portApp.controller("ListController", ["$scope", "workFactory",
        function($scope, workFactory) {
            $scope.allWorks = workFactory.list();

    portApp.controller("ItemController", ["$scope", "workFactory", "$stateParams",
        function($scope, workFactory, $stateParams) {
            var detPath = $stateParams.itemLink;
            //$scope.selectedWork = workFactory.selected(detPath);
            $scope.selectedWork = workFactory.selected(detPath)[0];


There is an updated plunker

I am not fully sure what you want to do with your root state, so I used it the way I do...

    .state('root', {
        abstract: true,
        template: '<div ui-view=""></div>',
        resolve: {
          somedata: function(){return {}}
    .state('home', {
        parent: 'root',
        url: '/home',
        templateUrl: 'listView.html',
        controller: 'ListController'
    .state('about', {
      parent: 'root',
        url: '/about',
        templateUrl: 'resumeView.html'
    .state('items', {
       parent: 'root',
        url: '/items/:itemLink',
        templateUrl: 'itemView.html',
        controller: 'ItemController'

As we can see, super parent state 'root' is not having url defined, and it does contain template (where all children be injected)

On the other hand, every state now declares its parent as a 'root'. It will mean, that all states do have access to resolves or any other common stuff later applied to root.

Easy way how to effect all states.. Hope this could help. Maybe check this for some more details: Angular JS - UI router page reload won't set the state


05-29 16:16