

我使用 Dialogflow chat-bot创建了Intent,实体等等,现在,我试图将dialogflow与我的网站(html)集成,我遵循了dialogflow官方网站上记录的说明,但我仍然感到困惑,启用了Web演示选项后,如何编辑附件图像中的内容以及如何在我的网站中启动聊天机器人?

I created Intents, entities so and so using 'Dialogflow chat-bot', Now,I'm trying to integrate dialogflow with my website(html), I followed the documented instructions from the dialogflow official website, still I'm confused , after enabling the web demo option, How to edit the contents inside the attached image and how to launch chat-bot in my website?


I followed instructions from : "https://dialogflow.com/docs/integrations/web-demo"




Dialogflow doesn't provide any direct way to integrate the agent with your website.As robert mentioned in his answer The web demo integration really is just for demo purposes and not customizable. If You want to integrate dialogflow agent in your website you have two options:

  1. Dialogflow提供用于集成的API和SDK。您需要将这些API集成到您的网站中。您可以参阅以了解更多信息有关此的信息。

  1. Dialogflow provides APIs and SDKs for integration. You need to integrate these APIs in your website. You can refer to this article for more information on this.

另一种方法是使用任何提供Dialogflow集成的第三方工具。我认为,使用一组。 可能对您有所帮助。

Another way is to use any third party tool which provides Dialogflow integrations. In my opinion, Kommunicate provides smooth Dialogflow Integration with a set of Actionable Messages. This article might be helpful for you.


07-04 18:44