

这样做有助于避免使用IIS Express(每次启动和停止IIS Express都非常不舒服).
我读了这篇文章: https://docs.microsoft. com/en-us/aspnet/core/publishing/iis?tabs = aspnetcore2x ,但运行不正常.
我使用ASP.NET Core 2& IIS 10

I used to host my ASP.NET sites (not core) on IIS locally, in my development environment.
Doing it helped me avoiding from using IIS Express (It's very uncomfortable to start & stop IIS express every time).
In this way all I had to do is to rebuild and refresh the site.
My goal is to work with ASP.NET core in the same way.
I read this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/publishing/iis?tabs=aspnetcore2x and it didn't go well.
What I'm looking for is to do it without deploy / publish after every C# code change (that requires building).
I use ASP.NET core 2 & IIS 10


如果需要调试应用程序,则可以将ASP.NET Core应用程序配置为默认的IIS启动程序.

If you need to debug an application, you can configure the ASP.NET Core application as the default IIS startup.

参考: https://docs.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/iis/development-time-iis-support#configure-the-project

创建一个新的启动配置文件以添加开发时的IIS支持.在Visual Studio的解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击该项目,然后选择属性.选择调试标签.从启动下拉列表中选择 IIS .确认已使用正确的URL启用了启动浏览器功能.

Create a new launch profile to add development-time IIS support. In Visual Studio's Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Properties. Select the Debug tab. Select IIS from the Launch dropdown. Confirm that the Launch browser feature is enabled with the correct URL.

或者,将启动配置文件手动添加到应用程序中的 launchSettings.json 文件中:

Alternatively, manually add a launch profile to the launchSettings.json file in the app:

"iisSettings": {
    "windowsAuthentication": false,
    "anonymousAuthentication": true,
    "iis": {
        "applicationUrl": "http://localhost/WebApplication2",
        "sslPort": 0
"profiles": {
    "IIS": {
        "commandName": "IIS",
        "launchBrowser": "true",
        "launchUrl": "http://localhost/WebApplication2",
        "environmentVariables": {
            "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development"


10-31 16:15