

如果在 allowedUsers 中找不到他们的电子邮件,我需要阻止用户身份验证.它不会真正影响应用程序,因为所有操作都将在 users 列表上执行,但是如果不进行身份验证,那就很好了.

I need to prevent user authentication if their email isn't found in allowedUsers. It doesn't really affect the app, since all the actions will be performed on the users list, but it will be nice if the authentication doesn't happen.

loginWithGoogle() {
    const userDetails = this.afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider())
      .then(user => {

        const queryObservable = this.db.list('/allowedUsers', {
          query: {
            orderByChild: 'email',
            equalTo: user.user.email,
        }).subscribe(data => {

          if (data.length > 0) {

            const userObj = {
              admin: false,
              email: data[0].email,
              name: data[0].name,
              verified: false,

            this.addUser(userObj, user.user.uid);




    return userDetails;


无法阻止用户使用Firebase身份验证进行身份验证.他们进行身份验证时所做的只是说我是X Yz"并证明这一点.

There is no way to prevent a user from authenticating with Firebase Authentication. All they do when they authenticate is say "I am X Yz" and prove it.


What you can do however is prevent that they have access to you database. For example to only allow white-listed users read-access to your database:

  "rules": {
    ".read": "root.child('allowedUsers').child(auth.uid).exists()"


  • How to disable Signup in Firebase 3.x
  • Firebase Authentication State Change does not fire when user is disabled or deleted (inverted version of your whitelist)


05-27 01:44