本文介绍了错误:具有非零等级的部件引用右侧的部件名称具有 ALLOCATABLE 属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想使用子例程 sum_real 访问数组派生类型中数组的元素.即:对所有人的权重中的第一个条目求和.

I would like to access the the elements of an array in a an arrayed derived type using the subroutine sum_real. That is: sum over first entry in the weight for all people.

type my_type
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: weight
   real :: total_weight
end type my_type

type (my_type), dimension (:), allocatable :: people
type (my_type) :: answer

allocate (people (2))
allocate (people (1)%weight(2))
allocate (people (2)%weight(2))

people (1) % weight(1) = 1
people (2) % weight(1) = 1
people (1) % weight(2) = 3
people (2) % weight(2) = 3

call sum_real ( people (:) % weight(1), answer % total_weight )


What I want to do is similar to the answer found in Array of derived type: select entry, except for the fact that I have an allocated array in an arrayed derived type instead of an single element.


But, I get a compiler error:

error #7828: The part-name to the right of a part-ref with nonzero rank has the ALLOCATABLE attribute (6.1.2).   [WEIGHT]



What you try is not possible if your component is allocatable. The reference (6.1.2) is actually a reference to the official standard documents, which prohibits this.


The reason is simple, the allocatable components (scalar or arrays) are stored in a different part of memory than the derived type itself. Therefore if you write


people%total_weight = 0

没问题,total_weight 不可分配,它存储在派生类型中,编译器只是进入一个简单的循环并将一个又一个字段设置为零.可以事先知道每个%totalweight的地址.

it is no problem, total_weight is not allocatable, it is stored within the derived type and the compiler just goes in a simple loop and sets one field after another to zero. You can know the address of each %totalweight beforehand.



people%weight = 0

每个 %weight 都存储在别处,您没有任何简单的公式来计算每个 %weight(i) 的位置.

each %weight is stored elsewhere and you don't have any simple formula to compute where is each %weight(i).


The solution is either, to fix the size of the array, if possible

real, dimension(2) :: weight

或使用 do 循环

s = 0
do i = 1, size(people)
  S = S + sum(people(i)%weight)
end do

这篇关于错误:具有非零等级的部件引用右侧的部件名称具有 ALLOCATABLE 属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 01:56