我刚刚接触 PHP OOP,我不清楚需要在类开始时声明哪些属性.
I'm just getting into PHP OOP and I'm unclear on what properties I need to declare at the start of a class.
B: are not arguments for methods but are still within a method?
Edit For ExampleHere's an example userclass I'm trying to create
class user
public function selectMember($username,$password)
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' && password='$password'";
return $query;
所以我只能在类的顶部声明 $query 吗?
So I would have to declare $query only at the top of the class?
The way I think of these things is that an object is a code representation of a real life object (duh). The car example above is a good one. For most real life objects there are attributes and actions. If our object is person, it will have attributes like name, height, weight, hair color. Then, our person will have actions, like run, sleep, eat.
The actions will be methods and the attributes will be properties. Properties will either be used in the actions or by other parts of the program which need to check the state of your object, IE, another part of your program asks the person how tall it is right now.
In most cases, return values and arguments will not be properties. A notable exception would be arguments you use to instantiate an object, as those will typically be needed by your other methods. As far as variables used within a method, these should be properties if they define the overall state of the object, but if you are creating a variable, like a counter, inside your method, that is just needed to accomplish the goal of the method, it doesn't make sense for it to be a property of your object.
I would start out by erring on the side of fewer properties. If you get to a point where you need a property to accomplish something, then create it. I wouldn't create them until I have a direct need. This way, you'll begin to get a feel for what properties an object will need in order to function logically.