


It is clear to me why dependency property are static and the question still remain on my mind is why we need to use Readonly keyword at the time of declaration of Dependency Property.


从概念上讲,依赖项属性是依赖项对象仅具有的东西,与依赖项的使用时间无关。就像CLR属性一样,如果您询问此对象是否具有 Total 属性,则知道它不能是 double 现在,但 int 之后。结果,如果可以,我们将使依赖属性 const 成为可能,但我们不能这样做,因此 readonly

Conceptually a dependency property is something that a dependency object simply has and that does not depend on when you use the property. Just like a CLR property, if you ask does this object have a Total property, you know it cannot be a double now but an int later. As a result, we'd make the dependency property const if we could, but we cannot, so readonly is the next best thing.

使用 readonly 关键字至少具有三个作用:

Using the readonly keyword has at least three effects:

  • 它告知读者代码值不会改变

  • 它防止作者意外更改值

  • 它有助于编译器,它受益于知道什么时候不会改变


05-27 19:07