我知道 Yii2-advanced 能够运行控制台作业 (php yii controllername) 但我想知道基本应用程序是否具有相同的能力?我注意到 config 文件夹中有一个 console.php 文件,但似乎无法运行作业.
I am aware that Yii2-advanced has the ability to run console jobs (php yii controllername) but I was wondering if the basic app has the same ability? I notice a console.php file in the config folder, but cannot seem to get the jobs to run.
如果可能的话,有人可以举个例子 - 控制器去哪里(因为我把它放在控制器中,但我在尝试 php yii 测试时收到消息错误:未知命令测试")
If it is possible, can someone give an example - where does the controller go (since I put it in controllers, but I get the message 'Error: Unknown command test' when trying php yii test)
Yes, the same functionality exists in the basic template too.
However, it's organized a bit differently.
默认情况下,控制台控制器位于 commands 文件夹中(您可以通过编辑此设置来更改它:'controllerNamespace' => 'app\commands'
By default the console controllers are located in commands folder (you can change that by editing this setting: 'controllerNamespace' => 'app\commands'
通过您提到的 config/console.php
Configuration is managed through config/console.php
that you mentioned.
例如你可以看看 HelloController 默认是模板自带的.
As for example you can take a look at HelloController which comes with template by default.
You can find more info in according official docs section.
As for you error, accurately check controller name and its action names, most likely the problem is there.
Update: Make sure you have at least one action in this controller, otherwise the same error ("Unknown command") will appear.
您可以使用 php yii
You can list all available commands with php yii
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