我在尝试使用 SUMIFS
公式获取我在另一个 Google 表格上花费了一个月的钱时遇到错误.我是编写公式的新手,这是我找不到的第一个瓶颈.
I'm getting an error when trying to grab the money I have spent for a month on another Google Sheet using SUMIFS
formula. I'm new to writing formulas and this is the first bottleneck I haven't been able to find.
我正在尝试在我的 Google 表格中编写一个公式,但出现错误.我是新手,所以请原谅我.
I'm trying to write a formula in my google sheet but getting an error. I'm new at this so forgive me.
在 Google 表格中,我有三张表格(摘要,这是主要的)、潜在客户和支出.
In the Google Sheet, I have three Sheets (Summary, which is main), Leads and Spend.
I'm trying to write a formula to grab how much I spent for a particular month. In the Spend sheet, I have column for the date, name and dollar amount.
Here is the formula I have tried without luck.
Spend!G:G = Column with text for type of spend (Google PPC)
Spend!E:E = Column with cost of each spend
Spend!A:A = Column with the date
=SUMIFS(Spend!G:G,"Google PPC",Spend!E:E,Spend!A:A,">=1/1/2019", Spend!A:A,"<=1/31/2019")
It should just give me a total amount spent on the dates given. But I get an error that says "array arguments to SUMIFS
are of different size"
=SUMPRODUCT(QUERY(Spend!A:G, "select E where year(A)=2019 and month(A)+1=1"))
这篇关于带有日期条件的 Google Sheets Sumifs的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!